- land tenure rent 租佃率
- Tenancy: Forestland owner transfers land tenure to APP, then obtains reward by rent or part behalf of stumpage harvest. 租赁林地方把林地使用权转让给APP,以租金或立木分成方式的方式取得林地报酬。
- Land tenure and housing structure on? 土地使用期限与房屋结构有关吗?
- Land tenure is a leading political issue in many parts of the world. 土地的保有权在世界很多地区是主要的政治问题。
- An English system of land tenure from Anglo-Saxon times to1926 that provided for the equal division of land among all qualified heirs. 财产保有权一种英国的土地保有制度,始于盎格鲁-撒克逊时期,废于1926年,即把其土地平均分配给有资格的继承人
- The project also underlines important changes in land tenure that have been affecting the lifestyle of nomadic herding communities like the Masai. 该项目并强调了影响到诸如马萨伊族等游牧社区生活方式的那些土地保有制度的重要变化。
- Such land tenure arrangements take away much of the economic incentive for output expansion and productivity improvement. 这种土地占有制度丧失了增加产量和提高劳动生产率的大量的经济动力刺激物。
- The broad term, land tenure, refers to the relationships between individuals and groups in respect of land. 广义地讲,土地占有制反映了个人与集团之间在土地问题上的相互关系。
- These changes might include such diverse activities as the reform of land tenure, corporate tax, credit, and banking structures. 这些变革可以包括土地使用权、公司税法、信贷和银行体制的改革。
- These land tenure changes mean that the community must adopt a more diversified lifestyle, which is increasing the pressure for a reliable local water supply. 这些土地保有制度的变化意味着社区必须适应更多样化的生活方式,而这又给当地可靠供水增加了压力。
- Purchase sapling plantation: APP purchases over ground live stumpage and land tenure of forests. 收购幼林对已造林地,APP收购地上活立木及林地使用权。
- This cultural variation is well-illustrated by the land tenure systems established in the islands of the South Pacific. 文化变迁可以通过南太平洋群岛中建立的土地所有制得到很好的说明。
- Feudal and manorial economy is the product that feudal big land tenure develops. 封建庄园经济是封建大土地所有制发展的产物。
- An English system of land tenure from Anglo-Saxon times to1926 that provided for the equal division of land among all qualifiedheirs. 财产保有权一种英国的土地保有制度,始于盎格鲁-撒克逊时期,废于1926年,即把其土地平均分配给有资格的继承人。
- Land tenure tend to be vested in men. Women are easily lost land rights after marriage unless they have been allocated land soon after the marriage. 土地一般以男性户主为承包者,妇女在出嫁后如果在夫家村没有及时得到调整容易失地。
- An English system of land tenure from Anglo-Saxon times to 1926 that provided for the equal division of land among all qualified heirs. 财产保有权:一种英国的土地保有制度,始于盎格鲁-撒克逊时期,废于1926年,即把其土地平均分配给有资格的继承人
- After reform and opening, land tenure system not only persists land collective ownership but also innovates the form of property rights. 改革开放以来的农地制度既坚持了农地集体所有制,又创新了农地产权的实现形式。
- Wu access to land tenure, the use of the original plant opened casings plant was run to the use of land use rights for commercial. 吴某获得土地使用权后,利用原来的厂房开起了肠衣厂,刘某则利用获得的土地使用权兴建商住楼。
- And it is exacerbated by the return of millions of war refugees and by decades of upheaval that have left land tenure in chaos. 此外,几百万战时难民的返乡,以及数十年战乱带来的土地所有权的混乱,也都是问题恶化的主要原因。
- At last, we need set up and improve the systems interrelating with land tenure system in order to privide favourable external conditions. 最后,要做好与农地制度相关配套制度的建立与完善,为农地制度作用的发挥提供良好的外部环境。