- land use for tourism 旅游用地
- The new law does not refer to land used for farming. 这条新的法律不适用于农用土地。
- The land use for a slope composed with colluvial dep osit is restricted. 崩积层堆积之坡地常被列为不可开发区。
- The new tax law does not relate to land used for farming. 新的税法不适用于农业用地。
- The new law does not refer to the land used for farming. 这项新法律不涉及农业用地。
- land used for tourism 旅游用地特点
- Building or area of land used for a particular purpose or where sth occurs. (作某用途或发生某事的)建筑物或场所。
- A plot of land used for the cultivation of flowers,vegetables,herbs,or fruit. 花园,菜园,果园用来种植花、蔬菜、草、水果的一小块土地。
- By evaluation, the conclusion that the city land use for commercial services in City Baotou is in the good situation can be draw. 通过评价,得出包头市城市商业服务业用地基本处于适度利用水平的结论。
- Olympics will be good for tourism. 奥运会的召开将有利于旅游业的发展。
- A plot of land used for the cultivation of flowers, vegetables, herbs, or fruit. 花园,菜园,果园用来种植花、蔬菜、草、水果的一小块土地
- Winter is the off-season for tourism. 冬天是旅游淡季。
- The current map shows a snapshot of global land use for the year 2000, but the scientists also have land use data going back to 1700, showing how things have changed. 现在的地图显示2000年全球土地使用的快照,但科学家也同时有1700年以前的地球土地使用资料,来瞭解事情如何变化。
- Next, the article sorts and evaluates the science information, digs and distills what can be used for tourism thinking about the demands and facts of Tengchong tourism. 其次,对腾冲地景资源科学信息进行分类及评价,并结合旅游需求和腾冲旅游业发展的实际,发掘和提取能为旅游业所用的科学信息。
- The Olympics will be good for tourism. 奥运会对旅游业有促进作用。
- My advice may be of use for you. 我的意见也许对你有用。
- It is a busy season for tourism. 这是个繁忙的旅游季节。
- A The Olympics will be good for tourism. 奥运会的召开将有利于旅游业的发展。
- Jane: What are we going to use for bait? 珍妮:我们用什么当饵?
- It is the peak season for tourism. 这是个旅游高峰季节。