- land - expropriated farmers' employment 失地农民就业
- And his case was about to land acquisition villagers hundred households, a total of 340 acres of their land expropriated. 和他一起被征地的村民约有上百户,他们共有340亩土地被征用。
- Key words: country; farmer; collective owned land; land expropriation compensation; character. 关键词]农村;农民;集体土地;征地补偿;性质
- In the process of China's land expropriation, the regime source of the right loss of the farmers is the collective land property defects. 摘要当前我国征地过程中农民权益流失的根本性制度根源在于农村集体土地产权残缺;
- Bacause land contract operation right is defined as usufructuary right, there is a serious loss of the farmers' interests during the rural land expropriation. 将土地承包经营权界定为用益物权是导致当前农地征用征收过程中农民利益严重丧失的一大重要原因。
- Land expropriated induces directly that the aged lose the life base,the middle aged lose their emplyment oppertunity,and the minors lose the possible rights of employmert and their earning. 土地征用的发生,直接导致农村人口中的老年人失去了老年生活的依靠、中青年人失去了就业领域、未成年人失去了未来本该享有的就业和收入的权利。
- Article 33 The public use property shall convert to the non-public use property when its purpose is abolished. The land expropriated by Acts shall apply for the provisions of the Land Law. 第33条 (应变更为非公用财产)公用财产用途废止时,应变更为非公用财产。但依法徵收之土地,适用土地法之规定。
- Just Compensation for Land Expropriation:Dream or Reality? 土地征收:公平补偿离我们有多远?
- The third part focuses on the land expropriation procedures. 第三部分主要论述了土地征收的程序。
- The deferred interest and the late fee shall be paid to the collective economic organizations, farmers and other right holder of land expropriation who are entitled to compensation under the law. 逾期利息和滞纳金应当支付给被征地的集体经济组织和依法应当获得补偿的被征地农民或其他权利人。
- These problems included broad land expropriation scale, abnormal expropriation compensation, single settling pattern for land-lost farmers, and nontransparent land expropriation process. 主要包括征地范围过宽,征地补偿分配不规范,农民得到的补偿少,失地农民的安置方式过于单一,及征地程序不透明等。
- During the process of urbanization the chief question is Land expropriation. 城镇化遇到的首要问题就是征地问题。
- She was expropriated (of her land). 她的(土地的)所有权已遭剥夺。
- Farmers till the land before planting. 农民在种植前先要耕地。
- The fourth part focuses on the land expropriation compensation system. 第四部分主要论述了土地征收的补偿制度。
- The current land expropriation system in China needs further reform. 研究结论中国现行征地制度需要进一步改革。
- Article 10 After a public notice of expropriating land is made, the administrative department of agriculture, forestry and fishery shall confirm the original purposes of use of the land expropriated. 第十条征地公告发布后,由农林渔业主管部门对被征用土地的原用途进行确认。
- Much of the land for the public park was expropriated from local farmers. 用以建立公园的大部分土地是向当地农民征用的。
- The farmer decided to leave the land fallow for a year. 农夫决定让土地休耕一年。
- Many farmers are leaving the land to work in industry. 很多农民离开农村转事工业劳动。