- That bridge was a miracle of engineering. 那座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹。
- There was landslide of over 50,000 cubic meters of earth. 山滑移约5万立方米。
- The skyscraper is a feat of engineering. 那座摩天大楼是一项工程的壮举。
- The car is a miracle of engineering. 这辆车是汽车工业的精品。
- The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering. 这条隧道是工程方面的光辉业绩。
- Risk Analysis of Engineering Construction Project. 工程建设项目的风险分析。
- Principle and application of engineering data base. 工程数据库原理及应用。
- Take charge of engineering technical management. 全面负责工程部的技术和管理工作。
- Take the lead of engineering change about product. 负责领导产品方面的工程变更。
- landslide of engineering 工程滑坡
- Cost management of engineering II. 工程造价管理2。
- International Journal of Engineering Science. 国际工程科学杂志。英国。
- Fundamentals of engineering chemistry II. 工程化学基础2。
- The Journal of Engineering Mechanics covers. 美国土木工程协会期刊。
- The new bridge is a triumph of engineering. 这座新桥是建 工程的硕果.
- The new bridge is a feat of engineering. 这座新桥是建筑工程的壮举.
- The ABC of engineering is very difficult. 工程学入门很难。
- Prof. of Engineering: What is a kiss ? ? ? 工程学教授耶....请问一下.....什麽是接吻啊???
- Based on landslide condition and prospecting result,the slope stability and Mechanism of landslide of the dam are analyzed by using Janbu method. 同时对处理后堤坝稳定性也做了细致的分析和研究,得出处理后堤坝满足稳定性要求的结论。
- A. C. Waltham, Foundations of engineering geology. 参考书目:徐铁良,地质与工程,中国工程师学会。