- The communication among nations always result in language contact. 民族交往导致语言接触。
- Language Contact and Lexical Borrawing of English and Chinese II. 语言接触与英汉借词研究2。
- How does it all happen? The socio-historical and cultural context of Creolization. The dynamics of language contact. 这是如何发生?克理奥尔化的的社会历史和文化背景。语言接触的动力。
- Europeanization is the output of language contact between the English and Chinese language. 汉语的欧化现象是鸦片战争以来英汉语言接触的产物。
- Code-switching is a kind of phenomenon of language contact, which can be studied from many aspects and angles. 语码转换是一种语言接触现象,可从多方面、多角度研究。
- Code-switching is a natural phenomenon in the environment of bilingualism,multilingualism, and language contact. 语码转换是双语和多语语言环境中,以及语言接触中一种常见的语言现象。
- This talk illustrates how corpora, as digital records of language use, herald a new and robust research direction for the study of language contact and for sociolinguistics. 语料库是数字化的语言使用记录,可以提供在数字化时代对语言接触与社会语言学研究强健而有力的工具。
- There are some Loan-words from Manchu language in Khorchin local dialect,Which directly related to cultural exchanges and language contact between the two nationalities. 科尔沁土语中存在一些满语借词,这与历史上满蒙两个民族之间的文化交流及语言接触有直接的关系。
- Loanword borrowing is an important linguistic phenomenon as well as a means to enrich the vocabulary.It is the outcome of language contact and culture contact. 外来词的借用是一个重要的社会语言现象和词汇扩充手段,是语言间相互接触的结果,也是不同文化相互接触的结果。
- This paper deals with the types and mechanisms of American language change in contexts of culture contact and language contact, trying to outline the American language changes. 文章将美国英语演变的类型和触发机制置于文化接触、语言接触的大背景中作讨论,试图勾画出美国英语演变的轮廓。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Sustained language contact between Chinese and English did not begin until the Opium Wars broke out, and the "Vernacular Movement ", which sprang up after the May Fourth Movement, intensified the Europeanization of Chinese. 汉语与英语大规模的语言接触始自鸦片战争时期,“五四”运动以后兴起的“白话文”运动使汉语的欧化加剧。
- Different kinds of contact such as mutual trade, war conquering, Migragation and mixed inhabitation as well as cultural exchange of different nationalities, will inevitably lead to language contact. 摘要民族之间的贸易往来、战争征服、迁徙杂居、文化交流等各种形式的接触,都必然会引起语言的接触。
- This dissertation is an investigating study on language contact focalizing on the deep contact of languages and it also involves the origin of languages. 本文是以藏、汉语言深度接触为核心的语言接触研究;同时也是关于汉藏语言历史 发生及历史关系问题的历史语言研究。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- Our language goes current along the seacoast. 我们的语言通用于沿海一带。
- I am no match for her when it comes to language. 在语言能力方面我根本不是她的对手。
- She has a good grasp of the English language. 她精通英语。