- The organic combination of these different ways forms lexicon language style. 而这些方式的有机组合,便构成了辞书语体。
- It"s highly selective for different language styles and has many functions, such as the lead tofollowing text function, recapitulation and title function. 4. 它具有引出下文的作用、归总的作用,也具有很强的标题功能。
- Therefore his poetries used the realism in the creation technique, pursued the wonderful danger in the language style. 因此他的诗歌在创作手法上采用现实主义,在语言风格上追求奇险冷拗。
- LanTing poems show many distinctive traits in using four and five words language style, allusions ,rhymes ,etc. 典故运用相对狭窄、四言五言平分秋色、用韵显示唱和性质。
- However, the very irony has been involved in the literature language; the ironic meaning comes from the distinct language style. 而这种讽刺手法是建构在语言文字板块之中,其讽刺意义也是来自不同的语言风格。
- Owing to the complexity of sentence composition, different sentence patterns express different language style and rhetorical effect. 由于句子写作的复杂性,不同的句式表现不同的语言风格和修辞效果。
- Based on this short story, this paper tries to explore Bunin?s language style, writing techniques, and his unique interpretation of love. 该文以这篇小说为例 ,力求探索布宁创作的语言风格、写作技巧和对爱的独特诠释。
- In the fifth part, the thesis mainly concentrates on many major characteristics, such as narrative strategies and language style of nonfiction. 第四部分是在第三部分的基础上,分析了传统新闻主义和非虚构小说即新新闻主义的区分。
- The former refer to a kind of language style, while the latter refer to a way of chanter.If we do not know these, we will not realize the spring of literary form of Ci and Fu. “辞”、“赋”上古都有特殊的涵义,“辞”乃经人为加工而形成的言曲旨远的文饰之语,而“赋”则是从“辞赋”的“不歌而诵”的特征讲的。
- The rich cultural background, unique melody, heavily accented language style and strong brand of times reinforce it filled with the distinctive artistic features. 陕北民歌丰厚的文化背景、独特的旋律、鲜明的语言风格和强烈的时代烙印使其具有鲜明的艺术特色。
- The language style of Xiao hong"s novels is simple and unvarnished, but it include profound meaning.The paper discusses the profound meaning from metaphor and apocalypse. 萧红小说的语言质朴简单,但其中也有着一定的隐含意义,本文是从隐喻和启示两方面来阐释分析萧红小说语言的深层内涵的。
- It not only strengthens Mansfield's earlier established theme and language style, but also becomes a pioneer in the stream of consciousness novels for its plot ness. 小说不仅巩固了曼斯菲尔德前期建立起的写作题材和语言风格,更以文章中典型的无情节写作手法,使其成为意识流小说的先锋。
- Though she tried hard to make her novel diction usual, plain and abstract, the uniqueness of her language style was found after we analyzed all her writings. 虽然她一直努力去创造一种没有标识,没有风格的抽象的小说语言,但是,当我们对王安忆前后所发表的作品在语言上做了比较和分析之后,我们的确感到了她的小说语言的独特。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Chapter Three gives a further exploration from extralinguistic aspect, including language style and culture.The discussion emphasizes the comprehensibility of GWR content to the target readers. 第三章进一步探讨语外因素,主要集中在语言风格及文化因素两个方面,希望在提高了翻译表达的准确性的基础上,保证报告的内容为读者正确理解。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- In the second skit, replay the same situation but this time have a healthy conclusion with each person trying to focus on praying, the primary needs of others and uses the other's love language style. 第二个短剧中,重复同样的场景但是有一个健康的结果,每个人都努力专注于祷告,其他人的主要需要并且利用其他人的爱的语言方式。