- lanose volva 毛绒状菌托
- The volva of the mushroom is often at the bottom. 蘑菇的菌托通常在底部。
- Stem erect, few branched, long yellow lanose above. 茎直立,很少分开,长黄在上面。
- Stem and leaf blade densely lanose. 茎和叶片浓密的绵状毛。
- We search Carbon Brush for Daewoo Lanos 1.5. 我们正在寻找大宇汽车的碳刷;请有生产的厂家联系我们.
- Tepals 4, light red, subulate-lanceolate, ca. 2 mm, white lanose. 花被片4,浅红色,钻形披针形,约2毫米,白色的绵状毛。
- Tepals 4 or 5, ovate or oblong, membranous or papery, lanose, with only 1 vein. 花被片4或5,卵形或者长方形,膜质或纸质,绵状毛,有唯一1条静脉。
- Requirements for Suppliers: We plan to purchase alternator (OE code: 96224459) for LANOS. 怎么申请委托采购项目?如何查看买家联系方式?
- Stems 1 or 2, subquadrangular, hollow, apically puberulent to lanose when young, glabrescent. 茎1或2,近四棱,幼时空,对绵状毛顶部被微柔毛,后脱落。
- Petals subrotund, ca. 8 mm in diam., densely white lanose, base rounded, clawed, margin ciliate. 花瓣近圆形,直径约8毫米,密被白色绵状毛,基部圆形,具瓣爪,边缘具缘毛。
- Tepals not rigid after anthesis, lanceolate, 5-6 mm, outside densely white lanose, apex acuminate.Filaments connate into a tube, 5-parted at apex. 小苞片紫色,三角状披针形,花丝合生成筒,5深裂在先端。
- Why Daewoo Lanos Can Not Ignite Sometimes 大宇蓝龙轿车为何有时无法着火
- Abortive ovary of male flower densely white lanose; 雄花的败育的子房密被白色绵毛;
- 2(1) Leaf blade densely lanose abaxially. 叶片浓密背面的绵状毛。
- branches ascending or stoloniferous, white lanose. 分枝上升或有匍匐茎,白色。
- 3(2) Sepals apically acute; branchlets and inflorescence lanose. 萼片顶部锐尖;小枝和开花绵状毛。
- rachis very short or absent.Bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, 1-2 mm, abaxially white lanose. 披针形的苞片和小苞片,1-2毫米,背面的白色的绵状毛。
- lobes triangular, wider than long, apex acute to obtuse, inside and margin lanose; 裂片三角形,长不及宽,先端锐尖到钝,内部和边缘绵状毛;
- saccate volva 囊状菌托
- scale-forming volva 鳞状菌托