- He sometimes lapses from good behavior. 他有时候会行为失检。
- For the French Government to leave her faithful ally, Czechoslovakia, to her fate was a melancholy lapse from which flowed terrible consequences. 法国政府背弃忠实的盟国捷克斯洛伐克,使它任由命运摆布,这实在是一个令人伤心的错误,由此还产生了许多可怕的后果。
- Ah, there were the terrible, the incontrovertible consequences of his lapse from virtue. 唉,这些都是他那违反道德行为的可怕的必然结果呀。
- Ah, there were the terrible, the incontrovertible consequences of his lapse from virtue . 唉,这些都是他那违反道德行为的可怕的必然结果呀。
- After a long lapse from favour there has been a revival of interest in the use of grain-size distribution in the interpretation of environments. 在长期放弃用粒度分布解释环境之后,这种兴趣又恢复起来了。
- She lapsed from virtue into vice. 她堕落了。
- He lapsed from Judaism when he was a student. 他当学生时就放弃了犹太教。
- She lapsed from virtue into vice . 她堕落了。
- Because of ignoring the teachers' living conditions, the teachers are overbear in studying and daily life.This phenomenon lapse from the goal of all-round development. 正因为教育没有体现对教师的 生存状态的关怀,在相当长的时期内小学教师的精神生活压抑,工作和学习负担繁 重,这背离了人的全面发展的目标,也成为教育质量进一步提升的阻障。
- The singer has lapsed from her high standard of performance . 那位歌手没能保持住高水平的演出。
- The singer has lapsed from her high standard of performance. 那位歌手没能保持住高水平的演出。
- The dancer has recently lapsed from her formerly high standard of performance. 这位舞蹈演员近来的表演水平不如过去高了。
- Where the fee and the surcharge are not paid within the time limit, the patent right shall lapse from the expiration of the time limit within which the annual fee should be paid. 期满未缴纳的,专利权自应当缴纳年费期满之日起终止。
- Where the fee and the surcharge are not paid within the time limit,the patent right shall lapse from the expiration of the time limit within which the annual fee should be paid. 费用和追加罚款期满未缴纳的,专利权自应当缴纳年费期满之日起终止。
- Having lapsed from grace, he tried every means to win back favour again. 失宠之后,他千方百计重新赢得欢心。
- He was reared in the lap of luxury. 他在奢侈的环境中长大。
- The runner is still going strong on the last lap. 那个赛跑运动员在跑最後一圈时仍然劲头很足。
- Each row of tiles laps the one below. 每一排瓦都搭在下面的一排上。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 别从那无赖手里买旧车。