- Taiwan is the largest island of China. 台湾是中国最大的岛屿。
- It is made up of two large islands: North Island and South Island. 这个国家是由两座大岛组成的;北岛和男岛。
- Greenland is the largest island in the world. 格陵兰是世界上最大的岛。
- Britainis one of the largest island in the world. 不列颠是世界上最大的岛屿之一。
- Australia is the largest island in the world . 澳大利亚是世界上最大的岛。
- Australia is the largest island in the world. 澳大利亚是世界上最大的岛。
- It is made up of two large islands. 它是由两大岛屿构成的。
- The British isles is made up of two large islands. 不列颠群岛是由两个大岛组成的。
- Japan is formed of four large islands. 日本是由四个大岛构成的。
- Aristotle wrote of a large island in the Atlantic Ocean that the Carthaginians knew as Antilia. 亚里士多德描写了大西洋里的大岛屿,迦太基人认为它是安提里亚。
- The largest island of Japan, in the central part of the country between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. 本州岛日本最大的岛,位于日本海与太平洋之间国土的中央部分
- The largest island is two miles long and less than a mile wide. 最大的岛长度为二英里、宽度不足一英里。
- Baffin Island is the fifth largest island in the world. 巴芬岛是世界上第五大的岛屿。
- New Zealand consists of two large islands and some smaller ones. 新西兰由两个大的岛和一些小岛组成。
- Columbus discovered the largest island in the Caribbean. 哥伦布发现了加勒比海最大的岛屿。
- This is the world's smallest continent and yet the largest island. 这是世界上最小的大陆,但也是世界上最大的岛屿。
- Japan is made up of four large islands off the coast of Asia. 日本是由亚洲海岸外的四个大岛组成的。
- New Zealand consists of two large islands and somesmaller ones. 新西兰由两个大的岛和一些小岛组成。
- The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland. 两个大岛是大不列颠和爱尔兰群岛。
- Buildings uncovered this summer were well constructed, using not local stone but schist and marble imported from the large island of Naxos. 今年夏天发现的建筑结构良好,没有使用当时的石头,而是从纳克索斯大岛运来的片岩和大理石。