- Water sprinkler effects on smoke layer in large space fire 大空间建筑喷淋对烟气层的影响
- Utility temperature elevation empirical formula in large space fire 实用大空间建筑火灾空气升温经验公式
- Shallow talk about the application of means of large space fire dectection 浅谈应用在大型空间的火灾探测手段
- Study on the Effect of Unsymmetric Air Supply to Mechanical Exhaust in Large Space Fire 单侧不对称补气对大空间火灾机械排烟的影响
- Study on the efficiency of mechanical smoke exhaust in a large space fire in summer 夏季大空间内火灾机械排烟效率的研究
- Smoke movement under a hot air layer in large space fires in summer 夏季大空间热空气层对火灾烟流的影响
- The house occupies a large space. 房屋占地极广。
- large space fire 大空间火灾
- The traditional fire alarming apparatus,which is based on infrared sensor or smoke sensor,is useless for large space such as wellsite. 基于红外传感器和烟雾传感器的传统的火灾报警装置,并不完全适用于野外井场等大空间场合的火灾监控。
- The result shows that the temperature of the smoke generator from the fire in the large space building is rather low, and the smoke subsides easily and mingles with air. 结果表明,在大空间火灾中生成的烟气温度比较低,很容易发生沉降及与空气混合。
- What ball can hold the largest space? 容量最大的是什么球?
- Office space, designed for large space with dismountable division wall. 灵活隔断的大空间办公空间形式。
- The delaminated air-conditioning is a typical airflow in a large space. 分层空调是高大空间建筑典型的气流组织方式。
- Within the last ten years large spaces have been enclosed. 在最近十年内,有人将大块地段围起来。
- In large space building,several environment actors disadapt current fire detectors in early-stage fire detecting,such as width and scope of space,velocity of airflow,dust,temperature and humidity. 高大空间场所的各种环境因素(空间高度和广度、空气流速、粉尘、温度、湿度等)会给火灾探测和自动灭火带来困难。
- It is necessary to simulate fire smokes of underground buildings with large space by computers due to existing procedures to fire smokes protections of undergrounds have many shortcomings. 鉴于现有的防火设计规范对地下建筑防排烟的规定存在着许多不足之处,有必要对地下大空间建筑进行火灾烟气运移规律的模拟研究。
- In tranquility you find that spirit is indeed a large space, which can give the individual an opportunity for introspection. 安静下来的话,就会发现,心灵有一个很大的空间,这个空间可以提供给个人一个反省的机会。
- The approach of typical fire scenario can be used for the large space building, in which there are large numbers of combustibles which are distributed unevenly and changed frequently. 针对可燃物众多、分布不均匀且摆放形式常有变动的大空间建筑,可以使用典型火灾场景的设计方法。
- A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere in the large space between Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Perseus. 鹿豹座:北天球上位于大熊座、小熊座和英仙座之间巨大空间上的一个星座。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。