- large water boilers 大容量热水锅炉
- within large water boiler 多水锅炉
- The car stops in the large water spray park. 车停在大喷水公园。
- She wanted to buy a large water melon. 她想买个大西瓜。
- Water boilers The most complete range of professional water boilers supplying as much boiling water as you may wish, in any situation. 型号齐全的专业开水机将随时随地满足您的饮水要求。
- Select the Company solar water heaters, hot water boiler, steam boilers, burners and accessories sales and installation of repair operations. 本公司专责太阳能热水器,热水锅炉,蒸汽锅炉,燃烧器及配件销售和安装维修业务。
- The waters of the lake flow out over a large water fall. 湖水流经一条大瀑布直泻而下。
- The fuel gas appliances mean stoves, water heaters, water boilers, warmer, boilers air-conditioners and other appliances using fuel gas. (五)燃气器具,是指使用燃气的炉灶、热水器、沸水器、取暖器、锅炉、空调器等器具。
- It is used as a protector of all-pole disconnection,which is suited for water heater,water boiler,cylinder washer. 适用于整机全极断开保护的热水器,开水器、洗衣机等。
- It is used as a protect of all-pole disconnection,which is suited f water heater,water boiler,cylinder washer. 适用于整机全极断开保护的热水器,开水器、洗衣机等。
- Introduction to an application example of accumulative electric hot water boilers,their merits and demerits,and some problems which people have to pay attention to. 介绍水蓄热电锅炉的应用实例、优缺点及设计中应注意的若干问题。
- The cells of which all living things are made are largely water . 构成一切生物的细胞大部分是水。
- In constrast, exhaled smoke contains relatively large water droplets and appears white. 相反,从人嘴里呼出的烟则包含相当大的水滴,所以呈白色。
- Rent: USD7500/month or RMB 62000/month. Include tax, management fee, maintenance fee for elevator, air conditioner, heating floor system, hot water boiler, water softener system. 月租:美金8000元。包税金,管理费,电梯维修保养费,空调保养费,地暖保养费,锅炉及软水系统保养费。
- Do not rub eyes.Absorb the oil with clean towel, then flush eyes with large water. 勿揉,用干净毛巾吸去,然后用大量水冲洗。
- In contrast, exhaled smoke contains relatively large water droplets and appears white. 相反,从人嘴里呼出的烟则包含相当大的水滴,所以呈白色。
- Presents the design of air conditioning and ventilation system, especially the design of the ice storage and modular water boiler system. 摘要介绍了该工程的空调通风系统设计,着重介绍了冰蓄冷和模块化热水锅炉的设计。
- A large water mirror overflowing on all sides is the central feature of this terrace. 一个平静、清澈、流水缓缓外溢的大水池在台地的中心,宛若一架轻盈的水上飞机,将空间与周边环境联系起来。
- Puts forward several ways to solve overpressure of the hot water boiler for a project.Applies the pressure diagram to analyze the problem. 对某工程中出现的热水锅炉超压问题提出几种解决办法,利用水压图进行分析。
- The large water yield disinfects very effective in succession to round-the-clock. 对昼夜24小时连续大水量消毒特别有效。