- His research covers a large field. 他的研究涉及很大的领域.
- It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground in a large field. 小鸟因为太冷被冻成冰跌到了地上的,跌进了一个巨大的牧场中。
- However for a field scale reservoir, the hydrate dissociation kinetics had little effect while the flowability dominated the gas production behavior. 整个开采过程受水合物藏流动特性的控制;而受水合物分解过程的影响较小。
- With a successful optical design, an HMD system with high resolution and large field of view (FOV) is achieved. 同时通过成功的光学设计,获得了大视场、高分辨率的光学系统。
- Up to now, most man-made ditches have been focus on the hydrology processes govern the influence of the ditches on a plot or a hill slope on a field scale. 目前,国内外对人工沟渠的研究主要集中在控制沟渠对农田或斜坡影响的水文过程上,而有关人工沟渠对流域水文格局影响的研究比较少,并且缺乏人工沟渠景观及其所携带污染物管理的研究。
- Since Israel is stubborn Like a stubborn heifer, Can the LORD now pasture them Like a lamb in a large field? 以色列倔强、犹如倔强的母牛.现在耶和华要放他们、如同放羊羔在宽阔之地。
- The greatest potential for lag in LFS is when a large field of cars is bunched up together. 在LFS里,很多车挤成一堆时,网络延时发生的可能性最大。
- They are normally carried out on very large fields of airfields. 比赛通常在宽广的场地和飞机场上举行。
- Visualization Simulation system based on multi-view provides highly immersion and large field of view. 多通道视景仿真系统能够为用户带来强烈的沉浸感和大范围的视野。
- A little dish offers a larger field of view but little sensitivity. 一架小抛物面视野大但敏感性差。
- Light, fixed-wing aircraft require a large field to land in and are designed to land at relatively high speed. 轻,固定翼飞机领域需要大量的土地和土地的目的是在相对较高的速度。
- The modular program structure, flexible solution schemes, and general simulation capacity makes MT3D an ideal tool for simulating contaminant transport in ground water at field scale. MT3D具有模块化的程序结构、灵活的求解方法以及全面的模拟功能,非常适合实际问题的研究,值得在国内推广使用。
- The smoke hood S-CAP features a clearly visible bright yellow hood fitted with a wide lens allowing a large field of vision. 逃命面罩S-CAP特色为清晰地可看见的明亮的黄色面罩配置以一个宽透镜允许旷宽视野。
- If you come across a large field of goldenrod like this, you probably won't be far off to say it's a field of Canada Goldenrod. 如果你跨过一片像这样的黄花地,你不大会不说,这就是加拿大一枝黄花地。
- By fusing these sensors data, a large field of view is obtained and the certainty and precision of the estimates in the relevant regions is increased. 藉由融合这些感测器的资料,得到一个较大视野的探测环境,在一个适当的范围内,量测的明确性及精确性是增加的。
- The next year the work went ahead on a large scale. 第二年这项工作就大规模进行了。
- Because intentionally infecting a volunteer to see if a vaccine works is unethical, the compound will have to face large field trials. 刻意感染志愿者来测试疫苗是否有效,是不道德的,所以这个药物需要面临大型的实际测试。
- This district grew cotton on a large scale. 这个地区过去大量种棉花。
- A real-time dim target detection algorithm in large field and deep sky was presented that adopted USAN filtering following depressing noise using Max-Mean filter. 根据深空背景的特点,提出了采用最大中值滤波降噪,基于USAN原则,即吸收同值核区(Univalue Seg-ment Assimilating Nucleus)原则进行弱小目标检测的算法。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。