- Large Signal matching with LDMOS and GaAs FET is Plus. 想为客户所想,满足特种需求,提供特色服务。
- There is dose-effect relationship between irradiation dose and the enabling of P65 signal conduct access of adenoid cystic carcinoma cells . 放射剂量与腺样囊性癌P65信号传导通路开放存在量效关系,在一定范围内,随着放射剂量增加,P65信号通路的表达更为明显。
- The dynamic velocity taper and induced second harmonic are analyzed which improve the miniature TWT efficiency using computer simulation based on Rowe large signal theory. 本文以罗埃大信号理论为基础,对提高小型化行波管效率的动态速度渐变技术和二次谐波的抑制问题进行了模拟计算分析。
- The role of the space charge wave is that it makes bunching reduce at small signal, but it makes bunching enhance at large signal. 并且分析了空间电荷波对电子束群聚的影响:在小信号时使群聚减小;在大信号时使群聚增强。
- Adjacent to the parenchymal hematoma is often the clue to the etiologic diagnosis: a large signal void, and/or several smaller ones nearby, reflect flow in portions of an AVM. 血肿实质周围部分的影像是病因学诊断的重要线索:一个的大的信号透空区周围散在若干小的信号透空区,这是AVM部分血流的影像。
- A method for the design of the broadband power amplifier by small signal approach is introduced when large signal models of devices can not be acquired. 摘要文章介绍了一种在无法获取器件大信号模型的情况下采用小信号法设计宽带功率放大器的方法。
- Dynamic models: large signal switching transients;small signal, high f models.Fabrication sequences;application-specific designs (power, digital, low noise microwave). 动态模型:大讯号切换暂态,小讯号、高频模型,制程步骤,设计应用(功率、数位、低杂讯微波)。
- As a result of processing on a CMOS sub micron process, this DAC offers excellent four quadrant multiplication characteristics, with large signal multiplying bandwidths of 10 MHz. 本站的发展需要您的支持,我们所有软件都是免费提供下载请大家多多支持本站的广告商。
- Conclusion DHA compound could inhibit the activity of TPK and decrease signal conduction with cancer cells. 结论DHA复合物具有抑制TPK活性,降低细胞内的信号传递,抑制癌细胞增殖的作用。
- The signal conduction is closely related to the nerve peptidase that catalyzes the metabolism of peptide. 信号传导与催化多肽的神经多肽酶有着密切的联系。
- An Agilent 8722ES Network Analyzer with option 085 was configured to directly measure the diode large signal characteristics. Meanwhile, we also designed a set of accurate TRL calibration kits. 利用配有选件085的Agilent 8722ES矢量网络分析仪和自行设计的微带TRL校准件,我们首次给出了一种能够直接测量微波二极管大信号特性的测试系统(在已公开的资料中没有直接测量二极管大信号特性的文章报道)。
- It is very important problem to achieve adjacent channel duplex in radio communication, that result in to eliminate the large signal blocking interference from local transmitter in reciever. 实现邻道双工通信,即消除本地发射机对接收机所产生的强信号阻塞干扰,是无线通信领域急待解决并有着十分重要意义的问题。
- Correspondingly, Thalidomide can inhibit angiogenesis by blocking the signal conduction of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and/or VEGF. 相应地,沙利度胺(Thalidomide)具有通过阻断bFGF或者VEGF的传导而抑制新生血管生成的作用;
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- Variable gain amplifiers(VGA) used in the front ends of receivers need to amplify large signals with high linearity. 针对接收机前端中可变增益放大器需要高线性处理大信号的问题,分析了使用源极退化电阻以及跨导增强电路的放大器线性度;
- In order to coordinate there physiological activity or compete with others in all kinds of nutritions,kinds of signal conduction are used in plaque of the biofilm. 生物膜内细菌之间存在着各种信号交流以协调群体生理活动或竞争各类营养物质。
- The RF Power Amplifier(PA)in the transmission path which so far have been modelled as frequency independent(without memory effects) show memory effects due to the large signal bandwidth. 在宽带应用中,由于传输信号带宽增加,RF功率放大器不同于窄带输入下的无记忆特性,将表现出与频率有关的记忆非线性特性。
- The mechanism of tumor dormancy is related to hindrance of angiogenesis, oncogene and antioncogene, immunocompetence, proliferation cycle, signal conduction and so on. 其发生机制可能与肿瘤血管生成受阻、癌基因与抑癌基因、宿主免疫状态、肿瘤细胞增殖周期及信号传导有关。
- The interest rate policy that explained one of monetization policy shifts, its signal conducts the reason with more valid below certain condition mechanism. 解释了作为货币政策手段之一的利率政策,其信号传导机制在某些条件下更为有效的原因。
- Large billboards have disfigured the scenery. 大型告示板已破坏了景色。