- Do you think I should try a larger size? 你觉得我应该试一下大一点的号码吗?
- Then,can you replace them with a larger size? 那可不可以换一双大一点的?
- This dress won't do. Do you have a larger size? 这件衣服不合适,你有没有大一点的?
- Of course we'll change it for a larger size, Madam. 夫人,我们当然会给您掉换件大号的。
- I'd like to exchange this for a larger size. 我要换比这个大一点的。
- I asked the salesgirl if they had a larger size. 我问女营业员他们有没有大一号的。
- Then, can you replace them with a larger size? 那可不可以换一双大一点的?
- I'd like to change this overcoat for one in a larger size. 我想把这件大衣换成大一点儿的。
- Force Model of Large Sized Rolling. 大型卷板机的力学模型。
- If it's possible,I'd like to exchange this for a larger size. 如果可以,我想换大一点的尺寸。
- If you get a larger size,it will fit you even after it has shrunk. 如果你买一条尺寸大些的,即使缩水,也照样适合穿。
- She bought a slightly larger size to allow for shrinkage. 她买了一件尺码稍大的以备缩水。
- Do you have larger size slippers than the ones I have in myroom? 有没有比我房里的更大一些的拖鞋?
- Our market niche is women who ware larger sizes. 我们的市场定位是为那些穿大尺码的女士生产服装。
- Do you think I should try a large size? 你看我应该试一下大号的吗?
- I'd like to change this dress for one in a larger size. 我想把这件衣服换成大号的。
- This stripe of water was wide and deep enough to permit of a vessel of the largest size passing through it. 这一带水域宽和深足够让最大的船通过。
- Do you want a large size or a medium size? 您穿大号的还是中号的?
- If you get a larger size, it will fit you even after it has shrunk. 如果你买一条尺寸大些的,即使缩水,也照样适合穿。
- Of moderately large size or good quality. 尚可的尺寸或质量好的