- largest logical record size 最大逻辑记录长度
- logical record size parameter 逻辑记录长度参数
- Both join filter and logical record relationship. 同时为联接筛选器和逻辑记录关系。
- Articles cannot be part of a logical record. 项目不能是逻辑记录的一部分。
- In the Edit Join dialog box, clear the check box Logical Record. 在“编辑联接”对话框中,清除“逻辑记录”复选框。
- Maximum record size in that level of the index or whole heap. 某个索引级别或整个堆中的最大记录大小。
- Minimum record size in that level of the index or whole heap. 某个索引级别或整个堆中的最小记录大小。
- Average record size in that level of the index or whole heap. 某个索引级别或整个堆中的平均记录大小。
- For a heap, the average record size in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit. 对于堆,表示IN_ROW_DATA分配单元中的平均记录大小。
- Define a join filter in the Add Join dialog box, and then select the check box Logical Record. 在“添加联接”对话框中定义一个联接筛选器,然后选中“逻辑记录”复选框。
- Fixed Blocked - Each physical block of this format contains multiple logical records. All logical records in these data sets are of the same size. 每个物理块包含多个逻辑记录,所有记录大小相同。
- For a heap, the maximum record size in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit. 对于堆,表示IN_ROW_DATA分配单元中的最大记录大小。
- Indicates whether conflicts should be detected at the logical record level or at the row or column level. 指示应在逻辑记录级还是行级或列级检测冲突。
- For a heap, the minimum record size in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit. 对于堆,表示IN_ROW_DATA分配单元中的最小记录大小。
- Specifies the level of conflict detection for an article that is a member of a logical record. 指定逻辑记录成员项目的冲突检测级别。
- Writing a block of data of logical records from noncontinuous areas of store. 从存储单元的不连续区写入一组逻辑记录的数据。参阅scatterread。
- A logical record relationship is associated with a join filter, which extends a row filter. 逻辑记录关系与扩展行筛选器的联接筛选器相关联。
- When this function is used in the WHERE clause of a join filter or logical record relationship. 指定当此函数用在联接筛选器或逻辑记录关系的。
- The relative record number is used to retrieve the logical record from the data set. 使用相对记录号可以从数据集中检索出相应的逻辑记录。
- Conflicts that involve logical records are not displayed in Conflict Viewer. 包含逻辑记录的冲突不会显示在冲突查看器中。