- We now shoot out laser light into a leaf. 现在雷射光射出成叶。
- Laser light can be directed for a longer time. 我们可以多照一段时间。
- Laser light does not spread out even at great distances. 激光即使经过很远的距离也不会扩散。
- Currently,mainstream medical dry films mostly include:xerothermic raster display laser imaging films、direct hot imaging films、whole digital sunlight dry films. 主流干式医用胶片主要分为:干热显像激光成像片、热敏干式胶片及全数字化阳光干式胶片。
- This special property of laser light is the basis of holography. 激光的这种特殊性质乃是全息照相的基础。
- Then by means of laser light, put to such an effect. 然后再用激光来发生这样一个作用。
- Other instruments sense a stone's photoluminescence in laser light. 其他仪器则是检测宝石在雷射照射之下发出的冷光。
- The weapon's laser light temporarily blinds its targets. 武器的激光能够暂时让目标致盲。
- Laser light differs from that emitted from a light bulb. 激光和从灯泡中发出的光并不同。
- Green laser light exposure was given 72 hours after HPD injection. 照光时机为光敏剂注射后72小时。
- Dependence of the position and light intensity of nonlinear hot image in high power laser system on the thickness of Kerr medium has been investigated theoretically and numerically. 通过理论分析与数值模拟方法,研究了高功率激光系统中非线性热像位置及光强随介质厚度的变化规律。
- To form the images, one simply projects laser light through the developed film. 为了显象、我们只要使激光射过已显影的胶片就可。
- Accordingly, laser light is said to be much more coherent than ordinary light. 所以,我们说激光的相干性比普通光强得多。
- Elegant Hermite-Gaussian Coherent-Mode Representation of Laser Light[J]. 引用该论文 Dan Youquan;Zhang Bin;Li Jinquan.
- Instead of a whiny turbine drill, he uses a flash of laser light to blast away dentin and enamel. 他用的是一道激光而不是烦人的涡轮钻来清除象牙质和牙齿的珐琅质。
- Stomach ulcers may be treated by guiding the laser light through flexible fibers. 胃溃疡可以通过把激光射入柔性纤维来治疗。
- Instead of a whiny turbine drill,he uses a flash of laser light to blast away dentin and enamel. 他用的是一道激光,而不是烦人的涡轮钻来清除象牙质和牙齿的珐琅质。
- For example, dentists are now using laser light to treat diseased gums and teeth. 例如,使用激光治疗损坏的牙龈和牙齿,
- In movie scenes, you often see combating spaceships firing bright laser light at one another. 在电影场面中,你经常会看到交战中的太空飞船互相射出明亮的雷射激光。
- Anita Mui smiles cheerfully.Her eyes are full of feminineness of a mature lady. [ In past days, I created a hot image, because I was young.When you are young, everything can be exaggerated. “其实我现在还是在变啊,不过是小变,不是大变,”梅艳芳笑笑,眼神中掠过的一丝妩媚仿佛让人呼吸到她浑身散发的成熟的女人香,“以前形象火爆,那是因为比较年轻嘛,年轻当然可以做得比较夸张一点。