- It is suitable for lassitude in loins and legs and even unsteadiness in walking. 亦可用于腰酸教软,走路不稳,舌质暗红等症。
- lassitude in loin and legs 腰腿酸软
- Anti-rheumatic for all kinds of rheumatic arthritis, Pains in loin and back, numbness of the limbs. 去风散寒,活络除湿,扶正固本,关节炎,腰酸背痛
- Being used in pain and numbness in arthritis, achiness and weakness in loin and knees, restless fetus, threatened abortion, hypertension. 祛风湿,补肝肾,养血安胎。用于风湿痹痛,腰膝酸软、下肢麻木、胎动不安、先兆流产、高血压等症。
- She suffered shrapnel wounds in her face and legs. 她的脸部和腿部被炸伤。
- lassitude loin and legs 腰腿酸软
- He suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs. 他的双臂和双腿严重受伤。
- His arms and legs had a dark tan. 他的手臂和腿晒得黑黑的。
- His arms and legs must be straight,with his feet in line. 他的胳膊与腿必须伸直,双脚在一条直线上。
- I bought a toy soldier with movable arms and legs for my son. 我给我儿子买了一个胳膊腿可移动的玩具兵。
- The child in a spasm kept twitching his arms and legs. 那个害痉挛的孩子四肢不断地抽搐。
- The child in spasm kept twitching his arms and legs. 害痉挛的孩子不断地抽搐他的手臂与腿。
- Keywords Rheumatism Spray;Rheumatoid Arthritis;Loin and Leg Pain;Cold-dampness; 风湿喷雾剂;风湿性关节炎;腰腿疼痛;寒湿阻络;
- The arms and legs are integral parts of a human body. 臂和腿是人体不可缺少的部分。
- Influence of harvest processes of pork loin and ham quality. 猪腰的加工过程对火腿质量的影响。
- The rider should be well balanced, elastic, sitting deep in the centre of the saddle and smoothly joining the rhythm of the horse with his loins and hips supple, thighs and legs steady and well stretched downwards. 骑手应当充分平衡,有弹性,深坐在马鞍的中央,流畅的与马的韵律结合,腰臀柔软,大腿和小腿稳定,充分下伸。
- An instrument of torture, used to crush the foot and leg. 靴状刑具一种用来挤压脚和腿的刑具
- For weak and achy loin and knees: ba ji tian, xu duan, du zhong. 治疗腰膝痿软,常与续断、杜仲等药配伍应用。
- Level back with firmly-muscled loin and moderate tuck-up. 背部水平,腰部肌肉坚实、适度折起。
- Her face, arms and legs were tanned. 她的脸、胳膊和腿晒黑了。