- In late autumn the sky is crystal clear. 深秋的天空异常爽朗。
- Trees are withered and bare in late autumn. 深秋,树木凋零了。
- It is getting colder and colder in late autumn. 暮秋时节天气越来越凉。
- It's getting colder and colder in late autumn. 暮秋时节天气越来越凉。
- In late autumn, maple leaves turn red. 晚秋时枫叶变红。
- The crops sown in late autumn grow well. 今年的小春长势不错呀!
- In late autumn almost all the leaves are yellow. 在晚秋几乎所有的树叶都是黄色的。
- Late autumn contains intimations of a harsh winter to come. 萧瑟深秋预示寒冷的冬天即将到来。
- The Fragrant Hills are exceptionally beautiful in late autumn. 深秋的香山格外美丽。
- We have wran days and cool nights in early spring and late autumn. 新奥尔良的初春和晚秋白天暖和,夜间凉爽。
- The best time to enjoy maple leaves is in late autumn. 清秋正是赏红叶的最佳时节。
- The weather is fine in late autumn, which is perfect for traveling. 小春时节天高气爽,非常适合旅游。
- The yellow leaves on the trees show that late Autumn approaches. 满枝萎黄的树叶说明深秋已经来临了。
- In the cold, late autumn, I miss you again from afar. 在这凄冷的深秋,我又想起了远方的你。
- From early spring to late autumn, the real scarf a gift to you a bit murky. 从深秋到初春,本真丝巾送给您几分妩媚。
- In the late autumn in the north some birds fly south in search of winter sun. 在北方的晚秋时,一些鸟南飞去寻找温暖的冬天。
- It was a cold night in late autumn and the rain had lashed down unremittingly. 这是一个寒冷的深秋晚上,雨水一直不停地倾泻而下。
- During the spring and summer the restaurant was always crowded but in late autumn it found itself in the boldrums. 春季和夏季,这家餐馆总是客满,但在秋末时它显得很萧条。
- In the back garden there's a persimmon tree which is laden with fruit in the late autumn. 后院有柿子树,深秋的时候结满了果子。
- All through the late autumn he had been scraping the barrel in Germany for this last desperate gamble. 一直到秋末,他都在德国搜罗残兵余卒,以供他进行这最后的孤注一掷。