- latent TGF-βbinding proteinLTBP
- latent TGF-βbinding protein(LTBP)无活性TGF-β结合蛋白
- TGFβ2TGFβ2
- TGFβRⅡtransformation growth factor β receptor Ⅱ
- TGF-β超家族TGF-β super-family
- nm23-H1基因TGFβ1Nm23- H1 gene
- latent aerophilic quality (指浮选粒子)潜在亲气性
- latent hydrophobic quality (指浮选粒子)潜在疏水性
- 转化生长因子(TGF)αtransforming growth factor-α(TGF-α )
- Binding可用来定义服务层或方法层。Binding can be specified either on the service level or on the method level.
- 转化生长因子(TGFβ1)TGFβ1
- Binding对象是从模型到数据源视图(DSV)中对象的引用。A Binding object is a reference from the model to an object in the data source view (DSV).
- find_binding: 用于在一个注册了的businessService中定位指定的绑定信息。find_binding: Used to locate specific bindings within a registered businessService.
- type-Ⅱtransmembrane protein with lectin-like domainsⅡ型带有植物凝集素样功能的跨膜蛋白
- WSDL binding元素包含您将用于绑定用途的外部技术的声明。The WSDL binding element contains a declaration of which external technologies you will use for binding purposes.
- α-feto protein甲胎蛋白
- 对抗CVR效果满意,可能通过降低移植肾内MHC-11,CDS“,ICAM-l,LFA-l,TGF-p,The effect on treatment of CVR with Chinese Herb-S plus Ligustrazine is satisfactory, and more effective than the treatment of CVR with Ligustrazing alone.
- 针对上述问题,在扩展LSI模型的基础上,我们提出了一种新的文本分类模型:潜在语义分类模型(Latent Semantic Classification:LSC)。To solve this problem, we propose a new text classification model: Latent Semantic Classification (LSC) model by extending LSI model.
- Binding必须绑定到表中包含实体所绑定的列或实体所绑定的列。The binding must be bound to a column in the table to which the containing entity is bound, or to the column to which the entity is bound.
- PF=protein foam蛋白泡沫