- This paper presents a new solution of the large deflection dynamic response of stiffened plates under lateral impact loading. 用半解析的方法分析了横向冲击载荷下加筋板的非线性瞬态响应。
- Numerical Simulation of Honeycomb Core Structure under Lateral Impact Load 蜂窝式夹芯层结构横向耐撞性能数值仿真研究
- A probe into elastic impact load of beam subjected to lateral impact of ball 梁受到球碰撞时的弹性冲击荷载初探
- Deformation Analysis and Simplifying Computation of Concrete-filled Steel Tube under Lateral Impact Load 钢管混凝土侧向冲击荷载下的变形分析及简化计算
- Nonlinear dynamic response of stiffened plates under lateral impact loading 横向冲击载荷下加筋板的非线性动力响应
- lateral impact load 侧向撞击荷载
- Damage form is slips shear damage under impact load. 该材料在冲击下的破坏是滑移剪切破坏;
- J. H. Marcus, R. M. Morgan, R. H. Eppinger, D. Kallieris, R. Mattern, G. Schmidt, “Human Response to and Injury from Lateral Impact” , SAE Paper No. 830634, 1983. 杨书铭,“正撞冲击测试数值模型之建立与分析”,大叶大学机械工程学系硕士班毕业论文,2005。
- This article discusses the dynamic computation of the closed cylindrical shell under impact load. 本文讨论闭合圆柱形壳体在冲击荷载作用下的动力计算.
- The ability of a diamond to withstand an impact load is typically referred to as diamond impact strength. 能否经受冲击负荷的钻石通常称为金刚石冲击强度。
- Crack initiation and propagation process in A356 aluminium alloy under impact load have been investigated. 研究了A356铝合金在冲击载荷作用下的裂纹萌生及其扩展过程。
- When mass ratio is constant, the peak value of impact load is proportional to the velocity. 在质量比不变的情况下,冲击荷载的峰值与初速度成正比;
- Flame retardant polystyrene foam liner and nylon sideshield absorb lateral impacts. 防火聚苯乙烯泡沫橡皮衬垫邮船和尼龙侧盾吸收侧面的碰击。
- It is more attractive but not deeply discussed to talk about the reliability design of HSMS under impact load. 而在冲击载荷下弹簧质量系统的可靠性设计更是备受关注但讨论不够深入的课题。
- Because of the special arrangement, the blade can continuously thrash water during running, which reduces the impact load raise the operation stability. 由于叶片在主轴上的特殊排列,使得运行时叶片连续击水,减少了冲击载荷,提高了运行稳定性。
- He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了。
- On the other hand, as an instant impact load with controllable energy, dynamic compaction is a good test in-situ for the study of soil dynamics. 另外,作为一种能量可控的瞬态冲击荷载,强夯施工可以作为一个可控的土动力学原位试验。
- By solving the dynamic buckling equation numerically, the effect of pre-load, impact yate and geometrical imperfection on critical impact load is studied. 文中考查了静力预载荷、冲击载荷速度以及初始几何缺陷对临界冲击载荷的影响。
- Under the 2.0J impact load, the wear resistance of the composite containing 40%(vol.%) TiC is 1.3 times of Hadfield steel . 在2.;0焦耳的冲击载荷下,含TiC体积分数为40%25的复合材料的耐磨性是高锰钢1
- Unwanted steering kickback and vibrations are reduced with the addition of a solenoid valve that acts like a damper when there is a harsh impact load. 不受欢迎的指导回扣和振动降低,增加了电磁阀行为象一个阻尼器时,有一个严厉的冲击载荷。