- In this article, a compound odontoma and an impacted lateral incisor were diagnosed by radiographs. 本报告之病例即为藉由牙科放射检查诊断出混合性齿瘤及阻生侧门齿。
- Result:One case originated from the supernumerary teeth on the floor of left nasal cavity, and the other left reversed lateral incisor. 结果:1例起源于左鼻腔底额外牙的含牙囊肿,另1例起源于左鼻腔底倒生侧切牙的含牙囊肿,均有同侧上唇、鼻旁的反复肿胀史。
- Odontoma was enucleated surgically and the impacted maxillary lateral incisor was bonded with a lingual button and attached with a traction hook under general anesthesia. 在全身麻醉状态下将齿瘤剜出,并于阻生侧门齿装置舌侧钮及结扎线。
- By closed eruption and light force orthodontic traction techniques, the impacted maxillary left lateral incisor was successfully positioned into proper occlusion. 藉著覆盖性萌发术及持续且轻的矫正拉出治疗,将上颚阻生左侧门齿成功地牵引至适当的位置。
- Take it on the distal side of lateral incisors when necessary. 如果有必要,放在侧切牙的远中面上。
- Impaction of the permanent maxillary central incisor is uncommon, and fusion of mandibular lateral incisors and canines is even more rarely seen. 摘要上颚正中门齿的阻生是少见的,而下颚双侧恒牙的侧门齿与犬齿融合则更少见;
- The greatest distal tipping was observed in the lower lateral incisors. 最大远心倾斜则为侧门齿。
- Maxillary left lateral incisor tooth 上颌左外侧切牙
- Maxillary right lateral incisor tooth 上颌右外侧切牙
- Mandibular right lateral incisor tooth 下颌右外侧切牙
- He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了。
- The severe impacted incisors were extracted and the extracted space was replaced by bilateral lateral incisors. 严重阻生的双侧上颚正中门齿以手术拔除之,矫正时以侧门齿取代正中门齿的位置;
- This is a case report of a patient with dentoalveolar protrusion and central and lateral incisors loss due to severe periodontitis. 本病例报告为一因严重牙周病而丧失上颚同侧正中门齿与侧门齿且合并有双颚齿槽前突的病例。
- The greatest mesial tipping was observed in the lower second molars.The greatest distal tipping was observed in the lower lateral incisors. 下颚除正门齿与侧门齿以外,其他牙齿皆为近心倾斜,最大近心倾斜为第二大臼齿,最大远心倾斜则为侧门齿。
- Mesial tipping occurred in all teeth except the upper second molars, the lower central incisors, and the lower lateral incisors. 测量牙冠舌侧近远心倾斜与颊舌侧斜角度,结果显示,上颚除第二大臼齿以外,其他牙齿皆为近心倾斜,最大近心倾斜为犬齿。
- Double root canal of mandibular lateral incisor: a case report 下颌侧切牙双根管一例报告
- Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. 后来他的美学知识也增加了。
- I am sorry-she's out. Can you ring again later? 对不起-她出去了。你过些时候再打电话来好吗?
- It's all one to me whether we eat now or later. 现在吃或是等一会儿再吃对我来说都一样。
- I'll write you later in regard to this matter. 关于这个问题以后我给你写信。