- lateral stiffness matrix 侧刚矩阵
- The plastic elemental stiffness matrix was derived by plastic-hinge method. 然后用塑性铰法推导了单元的塑性刚度矩阵。
- This paper mainly deals with the secant method used on stiffness matrix. 主要说明割线法在刚度矩阵上的应用。
- The study of the stiffness matrix and dynamic characteristics on the DTCS. 3.;大底盘双塔楼连体结构刚度矩阵、动力特性的研究。
- To provide lateral stiffness to the building, a system of bracing may be designed to resist lateral forces due to wind or earthquake. 为了保持建筑物的侧向刚度,可以设计一个支撑系统来抵抗由于风或地震引起的侧向力。
- The structure feature, mechanical behavior, lateral stiffness and construction height of these bridges are studied. 对桥式结构、受力特点、横向刚度、建筑高度等进行分析研究和比较;
- One-piece top tube and head tube design maximizes frame and lateral stiffness for improved handling and out-of-saddle acceleration. 一体化头管和上管设计将车架和侧面硬度提升到最大,有效改进了操控性并提高离座蹬踏时的加速性。
- Its lateral stiffness is to be known in locomotive design for prediction of the lateral stability and curring performance of the locomotive. 机车设计阶段在进行动力学计算时,要求知道它的横向刚度,以便进行横向稳定性及曲线通过性能的预测,而目前还没有这方面的资料可供应用。
- The knee bracing steel frame (KBF) is a new kind of energy dissipating frame, which combines excellent ductility and lateral stiffness. 斜隅支撑框架体系(KBF)是一种新型耗能支撑框架钢结构体系,它具有延性好、抗侧移刚度大、震后容易修复的特点。
- The stiffness matrix of the assemblage of elements is then generated in the same way as in the case of frames. 然后,按框架情况的相同方法建立诸单元组合体的刚度矩阵。
- Based on the force-method equation, the stiffness matrix and fixed-end nodal displacement and force vector are derived. 在力法方程的基础上,给出了组合梁单元的刚度矩阵、杆端位移向量及杆端荷载向量并建立了刚度方程。
- Iterative correction algorithm to preserve sparsity of the stiffness matrix was proposed. 提出了一种迭代修正算法,可保持反演结果的稀疏性;
- A vertical ship lift under earthquake excitation may suffer from a whipping effect due to the sudden change of building lateral stiffness at the top of ship lift towers. 大坝升船机顶部厂房与底部塔柱结构之间的侧移刚度突变造成了顶部厂房强烈的地震鞭梢效应。
- The track framework stiffness composed by the lateral stiffness of rail and the torsion resistances of rail fastenings is another important factor of resisting track"s buckling. 道床横向阻力是保证无缝线路稳定性的主要因素之一,由钢轨横向弯曲刚度和钢轨与轨枕节点间的阻矩组成的轨道框架刚度是抵抗轨道臌曲的另一重要因素。
- In deducing the stiffness matrix of members,the forming of the equivalent shear module is described in detail. 在推导单元刚度矩阵时,着重阐述了压型钢板等效剪切模量的形成。
- In the thesis the element torsion stiffness matrix and equivalent joint load are derived. 推导了变截面梁单元的扭转刚度矩阵和等效节点载荷公式。
- The design suggestions and formulas for calculating lateral stiffness of such composite wall under static loadings are proposed by using the method of equivalent brace. 推导了异形截面柱抗侧刚度的计算公式,阐述了在水平荷载作用下异形柱框架结构内力与位移的计算方法。
- In the coupling stiffness matrix, the coupling coefficients B11 and B22 had the major effects on panels warping. 在B矩阵中,系数B11和B22值对板坯翘曲度影响较大。
- Basically, neglecting azial deformations corresponds to the omission of rows 1 and 4 and columns 1 and 4 of the stiffness matrix equation (15.1) . 忽略不计轴向变形基本上可以说相当于删去方程(15-1)中刚度矩阵的第1行和第4行及第1列和第4列。
- This combination process is called the assemblage of stiffness matrices. 这种组合的过程称为刚度矩阵的装配。