- Once out of his sight we began to laugh hysterically. 一走到他看不见的地方,我们便狂笑起来。
- Trinket began to laugh hysterically, and emerged from under the table, still clutching the bloodstained sword. 韦小宝哈哈大笑,从椅子底下钻出来,手中兀自握着那柄带血的钢刀。
- My sister started to laugh hysterically, the boy grinned, and I turned beet-red and walked away. 我的妹妹开始失控地狂笑,而那男孩子当然很恼怒,我的脸则转为红色。
- Reporting from Oklahoma City -- These are the games the Lakers cherish, the ones where they can sit on the sideline with a comfortable lead and laugh hysterically when Lamar Odom fouls out. 报道来自俄克拉何马城----------这些是游戏;湖人们珍惜;当奥多姆被罚出场;他们还可以舒服地坐在场边谈笑风声.
- If you see that outtake you'll notice that I'm laughing hysterically, probably more than I should be. 我们会在七月二日回来工作,所以我们只有一个很短的空閒时间。
- At this, he lost total control and started laughing hysterically, begging me to stop. 这时,他失去了控制,开始歇斯底里的笑,求我停下来。
- Just then, the volunteer, who could no longer control himself, started laughing hysterically at Mit'gai. 去吧!不过安静一点,年青的勇士!”另一个孩子在一旁说:“他还没有成为一个勇士!
- "Condors don't trap anything, they're scavengers," she managed, laughing hysterically as he started tickling her. / "秃鹰不困住任何事,他们是清道夫",她处理, 歇斯底里地笑当他开始胳肢她。
- Monday and Tuesday are romantic, but not in a gushy way. They're romantic in a way that involves playing games and laughing hysterically. 周一,周二是浪漫的,但不要感情冲动。这里的浪漫涉及玩游戏和开怀大笑。
- Her beaming smile greeted us from school.She laughed hysterically and uncontrollably when sharing something silly she might have said or done that day. 她微笑着迎接我们放学回家,当她告诉我们她当天做了什么蠢事的时候,我们会一起忘情大笑。
- She made us all laugh with her zany tricks. 她那些滑稽的恶作剧逗得我们都大笑起来。
- He is laughing hysterically. 他笑得歇斯底里。
- He looks at the burn shoes and laugh heartily. 他看到那烧糊的鞋并且愉快地笑了。
- 10. Ask people what sex they are. Laugh hysterically after they answer. 问人们他们是什么性别,得到回答后,歇斯底里的笑。
- He gave a scornful laugh at my proposal. 他对我的建议轻蔑地一笑。
- It is better to laugh than (to) weep. 笑比哭好。
- An actor have to learn to laugh off bad review. 演员需学会能对贬斥性评论一笑置之的本事。
- They had a good laugh over that silly thing. 他们对那件蠢事大加嘲笑。
- Someone in the audience began to laugh. 观众中有人开始笑起来。
- He told me the news with a laugh. 他笑着告诉我这个消息。