- The idea of laugh uproariously as speculation. 这样的想法作为炒作的噱头。
- Zero Shoufu buy cars -- is laugh uproariously or marketing innovation? 零首付买房买车--是噱头还是营销创新?
- The audience laughed uproariously. 观众哄然大笑。
- What is a laugh uproariously or speculation of a "quick progress" requires specific analysis of specific cases. 到底是一个炒作的噱头还是一次“超前的进步”,需要具体案例具体分析。
- One would have said that he was taking advantage of every occasion to laugh uproariously. 仿佛他要抓住一切机会来扯开嗓子狂笑。
- Everybody, but one girl, laughed uproariously. 大家都哈哈大笑,只有一个女孩不笑。
- This is not a marketing laugh uproariously, but on behalf of future days Guoqin Bay home owners can sit helicopter. 这并不是一个营销噱头,而是代表天琴湾未来的业主可以坐直升机回家。
- Attention era eyeball economy, give up easily, many a laugh uproariously advertising? 注意力时代,眼球经济,轻易放弃,广告上不少一个噱头吗?
- And the future, the value of residential, the developer of housing in the green again, we run out laugh uproariously. 而今后,商品住宅、经济适用房的开发商再在绿地上搞噱头就要碰壁了。
- Who does not understand that this is superior stock, or take options before laugh uproariously, earned one vote. 谁也不明白这是出清库存,还是要借甩卖摆噱头、赚一票。
- In such a relatively good situation, they rise is inevitable, not so laugh uproariously. 在这种比较好的形势下,他们涨价是必然的,而不是做噱头。
- Such circumstances, real estate developers not only less of a strong laugh uproariously, and fame are hurting, be regarded as a mental thing. 这种情况下,房地产开发商非但少了一个强有力的噱头,而且名利俱损,称得上是件窝心的事。
- It is precisely because of this "many" words, the last year Beijing has begun to make some citizens feel laugh uproariously too farfetched. 正因为这个“多”字,去年北京的有些房展会已开始让人感到噱头过于牵强。
- Commitment in the promotion of sales can not be blind not to engage in any fancy the laugh uproariously and commitment will certainly be honoured. 在推广销售时不能盲目承诺,不要搞任何花哨的噱头,有承诺就一定兑现。
- When I stepped into her box,Marguerite was laughing uproariously. 当我走进包厢的时候,玛格丽特放声大笑。
- Therefore, the concept is attractive laugh uproariously, increasingly cool in the house after you attract depends on the specific real things. 所以,概念只是吸引人的噱头,日益冷静的购房人在被你吸引之后,还要看具体的实在的东西。
- When I stepped into her box, Marguerite was laughing uproariously. 当我走进包厢的时候,玛格丽特放声大笑。
- "Now there are basically small intermediary business, the Internet can only do laugh uproariously, swindlers Point house costs nothing to subsist. “现在小中介基本上都没什么业务了,也只能在网上弄弄噱头,骗点看房费聊以度日。
- Banquet room, fitness clubs, a children's play room is not small, the pool is no longer a matter of thermostatic outdoor movie, the public art is fresh and hot laugh uproariously. 宴会室、健身房、儿童游戏室一个不能少,室外恒温的游泳池也不再令人称奇,艺术气息则是新鲜热辣的噱头。
- These elements are numerous, just is to attract the audience to enter the movie theater to laugh uproariously, looks like the evildoer's disguise the skin to be the same. 这些元素林林总总,都只不过是为了吸引观众走进电影院的“噱头”,就像画皮的“皮”一样。