- The Jews in eastern Europe were ghettoized. 东欧的犹太人成为少数民族了。
- Esperanto was born in Eastern Europe. 世界语出生在东欧。
- He then went on a buying spree abroad, chiefly in Eastern Europe. 之后他继续在海外进行收购浪潮,其主要目标为东欧。
- Democracy is becoming more securely established in Eastern Europe. 在东欧,民主制度正日益稳固。
- Discussions were centred on developments in Eastern Europe. 讨论围绕着东欧的发展这一中心议题进行。
- The Rise and Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe II. 东欧共产主义的兴衰2。
- Procter &Gamble proved a bit smarter in Eastern Europe. 注解:上述波兰的故事比较有趣。
- Euroscepticism has only limited appeal in eastern Europe. 其实,欧洲怀疑论在东欧并不是那么的吃香。
- Screening public figures for connections to the old regime is common in eastern Europe, but the new law has unparalleled scope. 对公众进行审查,以期找到他们与旧体制之间的联系,这在东欧国家来说是一件很普遍的事情,但是这一新法案波及的范围却是空前的广大。
- A fellow Jew who comes from the same district or town, especially in Eastern Europe. 同胞来自同一地区或城镇尤其是东欧的犹太人同伴
- When did communism begin to unravel in Eastern Europe? 共产主义制度何时开始在东欧解体的?
- We are not surprised at the developments in Eastern Europe. 东欧的事情对我们说来并不感到意外
- We witnessed a remarkable chain of events in eastern Europe in 1989. 我们目睹了东欧1989年发生的一系列重大事件。
- I think the upheavals in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union were inevitable. 东欧、苏联乱,我看也不可避免
- "Football" hooliganism is becoming increasingly commonplace in Eastern Europe. 足球流氓行径正在东欧变得越来越普遍。
- A second law enforcement official said the CIA officer had provided information that contributed to a Washington Post story last year saying there were secret U.S. prisons in Eastern Europe. 一位法律实施官的助手说,中央情报局工作人员去年为《华盛顿邮报》提供了一条声称美国在东欧有秘密监狱的信息。
- Particular companies have scope to expand in Eastern Europe and/or to lift dividend payout ratios. 个别企业在东欧拥有扩展空间,并将提高派息率。
- The establishment of factories in Eastern Europe reflects very favourably on the vigor and enterprise of the Italian car industry. 在东欧设立工厂显示了意大利的汽车工业的勃勃生机与进取精神。
- This was the challenging answer to the flimsy British network of guarantees in Eastern Europe. 这是对英国给东欧各国提供脆弱的保证的挑战性的答复。
- He commenced studying law in 1988. 他於一九八八年开始学习法律。