- law of frequency Raunkiaer 频率定律
- This paper studied amplitued and decay law of earthquake wave, Contribution in reducing vibration and application of frequency in safe criterion of detonate vibration. 本文通过大量分析,认识爆破地震波的振动幅值与频率组成的衰减规律、频率在降震中的作用,及其作为爆破振动的安全判据。
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- Who discovered the Law of Gravitation? 谁发现了引力定律?
- Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth. 牛顿时的运动定律适用于地球上一切东西。
- Raunkiaer's law of frequency 朗基耶尔频度定律
- Enactment into law of a legislative measure. (议案)通过把立法议案制定为法律
- The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. 供求规律决定商品的价格。
- Where do we usually put adverbs of frequency? 频度副词我们通常放在哪里?
- A citizen is expected to conform to the law of his country. 一个好公民应当遵从他国家的法律。
- A unit of frequency equal to one billion(109)hertz. 十亿赫兹频率单位等于十亿(109)
- A unit of frequency equal to1, 000 hertz. 千赫兹频率的单位,等于1000赫兹
- Newtow conclusively established the law of gravity. 牛顿确定了万有引力定律。
- We must respect the laws of a country we are in. 我们必须遵守所在国家的法律。
- He is interested in the laws of nature. 他对自然界法则很有兴趣。
- You must master the law of conservation of energy. 你必须掌握能量守衡定律。
- Do you know the laws of the game? 你知道这项比赛的规则吗?
- They never vary from the law of nature. 他们从不违反自然规律。
- A unit of frequency equal to one billion(109) hertz. 十亿赫兹频率单位等于十亿(109)