- In this way,the Patent Law of China has essentially been brought in line with the GATT Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. 这样,中国的专利法同关税与贸易总协定达成的《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》基本接轨。
- China has three laws governing the protection of intellectual property, which are: Trademark Law of P.R.C.; Copyright Law of P. R.C.; Patent Law of P. 中国知识产权法律三大法:《商标法》、《版权法》《专利法》。
- The Patent Law of the People's Republic of China and the rules for its implementation came into effect in April 1985,expanding the scope of intellectual property protection in China to include inventions and other new creations. 1985年4月开始实施的《中华人民共和国专利法》及其实施细则,使中国的知识产权保护范围扩大到对发明创造专利权的保护。
- China has three laws governing the protection of intellectual property,which are: Trademark Law of P.R.C.; Copyright Law of P. R.C.; Patent Law of P. 中国知识产权法律三大法:《商标法》、《版权法》《专利法》。
- So far the two principles are the important parallel theories in the law of intellectual property right as well as the opposite basic theories about the question of parallel import. 地域性原则和权利穷竭原则至今仍是知识产权法的两个并行的重要原则,也是平行进口问题上相互对立的两大基础理论。
- Law of international trade of intellectual property 国际知识产权贸易法
- Law of Intellectual Property Right 知识产权法
- The whole film is based on a case of intellectual property. 整个电影都是以一个知识产权案件为蓝本。
- Norms of Judicial Practice of Intellectual Property II. 知识产权审判规范2。
- Superficial analysis of the risk precaution in law of intellectual property in investigation and design enterprise 勘察设计企业知识产权法律风险防范浅析
- My Views on Regulating the Abuse of Intellectual Property Right by Law of Anti-Monopoly 论以反垄断法规制知识产权滥用问题
- On the Application of Situational Plays to the Teaching of the Law of Intellectual Property Right 论情景剧在知识产权法教学中的运用
- On the Relationship between the Law of Intellectual Property Right and Anti- unfair Competition Act 论知识产权法与反不正当竞争法的关系
- The Law of Intellectual Property: Copyright, Designs and Confidentiality Chris Creswell, Sam Ricketson Lawbook Co 知识产权法:版权、设计与保密
- On the Relationship between the Law of Intellectual Property Right and Anti-unfair Competition Act 论知识产权法与反不正当竞争法的关系
- List provided for members of the Committee of Intellectual Property Law of the American Bar Association Tort and Insurance Practice Section 为美国律师协会知识产权委员会民事侵权和保险部的成员提供的列表
- Nowadays violation of intellectual property rights is prevalent among the offices. 现今侵犯智慧财产权在办公室里非常普遍。
- Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Cases and Comments. 知识产权案例精选。
- He is considered an expert in the matter of intellectual property. 他被看作是知识产权方面的专家。
- Law of new castigatory foreign trade increased " the intellectual property that concerns with foreign trade is protected " content. 新修订的对外贸易法增加了“与对外贸易有关的知识产权保护”的内容。