- The criteria, of course, are factuality, law restriction, social public sentiment, and the inner value of information. 然后从监督的可操作性角度考察对特定信息的把握和评判,其标准是真实性、法的限制、社会舆情和信息的内在价值。
- Judge Temple tells the company about a new law restricting hunting. 坦普尔法官向他们宣布了限制打猎的新法令。
- Federal privacy and antidiscrimination laws restrict how universities can deal with students who have mental health problems. “校方不能单凭作文内容怪异就把学生赶出校门,即使他们显得内向不合群。”
- Law restricted the use of certain hazardous substances in new electrical and electronic appliances. 特定危险材料在制造新的电子电器设备的使用受到法律限制。
- Investor was set up 90 years ago for SEB's equity holdings in response to a law restricting banks' ownership of shares. 投资人集团在90年前成立,用以接管斯安银行所拥有的股票,这是应对限制银行持有股票的法律的措施。
- Last time a president tried to curb fat-cat salaries was in 1993, when Bill Clinton signed a law restricting the tax deductibility of executive pay to $1m. 上次有总统试图削减大亨们的薪水,还要追溯到1993年,比尔.;克林顿签署法案,规定高管年薪一百万美元内才可享受减税。
- It's unlikely that the tire tariff will be the equivalent of the 1930 Smoot-Hawley Act. That law restricted imports and triggered worldwide protectionism, helping deepen the Great Depression. 这段说明了作为在自由贸易中的历史性的领头羊的美国,站起来反对这一历史大势,类似的行动可能会延缓世界经济走向复苏的步伐。
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。
- Every citizen should be obedient to the law. 每个公民都应当是遵守法律的。
- He is accused because offending electoral law. 他因被指控触犯选举法而遭逮捕。
- The law does not prescribe for such offences. 对此恶行法律并无明文规定。
- Angel Island was built to help enforce the Chinese Exclusion Act, and other Federal laws restricting immigration. 安吉岛的建立是为了协助排华法案及其它限制移民的联邦法律的实施。
- More than seven years after AK was first elected to government, laws restricting free speech remain. 时隔七年多,AK党首次当选为执政党,法律仍限制言论自由。
- Even now, mixed couples face many obstacles, including laws restricting interracial marriage. 文化差异不过是这种关系所要解决的另一方面的问题。
- He feels this new law will restrict his freedom. 他觉得这一新法律会限制他的自由。
- The highway code is not itself part of English law. 公路法规本身并非是英国法的一部分。
- A true scientific law admits of no exception. 真正的科学定律不允许有例外。
- The law obliges us to pay taxes. 法律使我们负有纳税的义务。
- Europe generally has more stringent laws restricting how governments and businesses can collect and transfer such information. 欧洲一般有更严格的法律来限制政府和企业收集和转让该类信息。