- laws on contagious disease 传染病法
- The doctors succeeded in confining the contagious disease within the block. 医生们成功地将这个传染病控制在这一街区的范围内。
- Measles is a contagious disease. 麻疹是一种传染性疾病。
- Infected or contaminated with a contagious disease. 得了传染病的患有或被染上传染病的
- Have you ever had any contagious disease? 你是否有或曾经有过传染疾病?
- Hepatitis A is a contagious disease. 甲型肝炎是一种传染病。
- It gets my goat the way he lays down the law on every subject under the sun. 他对一切事情都独断专行,这一作风使我很生气。
- Chicken pox is a contagious disease. 水痘是一种通过接触而传染的疾
- Measles is a highly contagious disease. 麻疹是有高度传染性的疾病。
- Chicken Pox is highly contagious disease. 水痘是一种高传染性疾病。
- The council discussed the proposed law on taxes. 委员会讨论了所提的税法议案。
- The common cold is a highly contagious disease. 一般性感冒是高度接触传染病。
- Scarlet fever is a contagious disease. 猩红热是有传染性的疾病。
- Laws on gambling have tightened up recently. 有关赌博的法律最近变得更加严厉。
- She unloaded her mother - in - law on to me . 她将婆婆的负担推给我。
- She also calls for reform of the law on nullity. 她呼吁对离婚法进行改革。
- Existing laws on obscenity are to be tightened. 禁止色情的现行法律应更加严厉。
- That law on the right of inheritance has fallen into disuse. 那项继承权法已经废止了。
- Enforced isolation or restriction of free movement imposed to prevent the spread of contagious disease. 隔离为了防止传染疾病的传播,而强制施行的隔离或对自由活动的限制
- If you do that again I will have the law on you. 你要是再那样做,我就报警。