- The vanadium leaching percent have growth and decline relation to occupation ratio of vanadium in in-soluble silicoaluminate mineral. 钒浸出率与矿石中难溶硅铝酸盐相中的钒占有率呈现消长关系。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- The covering of forestry in our town is 60 percent. 我们镇的森林覆盖率是百分之六十。
- We give 10 percent discount for cash. 现金付款,我们九折优惠。
- Retail prices were scaled up by5 percent. 零售价格提高百分之五。
- The prices were scaled down10 percent. 价格按比例降低百分之十。
- He polled 54 percent of the votes. 他获得百分之五十四的选票。
- Only 10 percent of the land was under cultivation. 只有百分之十的土地用作耕地。
- The population of this country rose by 10 percent. 这个国家的人口增长了百分之十。
- The decrease in unemployment was 30 percent. 失业人数减少了百分之三十。
- Unemployment declined to 4 percent last month. 上个月失业率降至百分之四。
- Interest rates topped out at16 percent. 利息率最高在百分之十六封顶
- leaching percent 浸出率
- The liquid obtained by leaching wood ashes. 碱液通过过滤木灰得到的液体
- You should open the leach a little bit. 你应当将帆后边打开。
- Your should open the leach a little bit. 你应该将帆后边打开。
- The rice crop this year is15 percent above the average. 今年的稻米产量高于往年平均产量的百分之十五。
- Nitrates leach from the soil into rivers. 硝酸盐由土壤渗入江河。
- Leach was a good fellow, agreeable. 李区这人不错,惹人喜爱。
- The company's market share is 48 percent in the marketplace. 这家公司的市场占有率是百分之四十八。