- the leading woman in an art or profession. 在艺术或者专业方面起主要作用的妇女。
- Leading woman in a specified activity or profession 某活动或行业中首屈一指的女性
- And some of them were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, as did a great many of the devout Greeks and not a few of the leading women. 他们中间有些人听了劝,就附从保罗和西拉,并有许多虔敬的希利尼人,尊贵的妇女也不少。
- These traits can lead women and men to starkly different views of the same situation. 对于同一情况,这些特点有时导致男女产生完全不同的看法。
- Likewise, evolution may have led women to prefer taller men. 反之,进化可能使女人更钟情于高个男人。
- The sensible ones get hitched again, and as soon as possible: in the over-45 age group they lead women in the remarriage stakes by almost 10 per cent. 明智的男人会在离婚后与前妻再续前缘,而且是越快越好:45岁以上的男人们中,几乎有10%25让前妻冒险与之再婚。
- Some of hollywood's leading studios are interested in signing her. 好莱坞的一些主要电影制片厂有意要和她签约。
- The man had the quality for leading the people. 那个人具备领导民众的才能。
- The leading role is played by a complete unknown. 演主角的是一个毫无名气的演员。
- Fear of stigmatization inhibits people from taking preventive measures and leads women and men to assess their own risks inadequately. 害怕被诬蔑使得人们不愿意采取预防性措施,并使得男女低估其所面临的危险。
- The horse forged ahead the lead in the homestretch. 那匹马在最后阶段突然加速跑到前面。
- Shirley will try out for the lead in the play. 雪莉将参加该剧主角的选拔演出。
- She was dressed by a leading New York designer. 她穿着纽约杰出设计师设计的服装。
- Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia. 爱国主义过了头即可导致仇视一切外国人。
- All the roads leading to the city had been mined. 通往该城的所有路上都已布雷。
- Lead aprons shield people from radiation. 铅做的工作裙可使人免进辐射。
- The champion is leading by eighteen seconds. 该冠军领先十八秒。
- Have you read the leading story in the newspaper? 你看了报纸的头条新闻了吗?
- She is a leading light in the theatre. 她是这个剧院里的头面人物。
- Monks are leading simple, austere lives. 僧侣们过着清苦的生活。