- leading peasants to affluence 致富增收
- He quickly rose to affluence, ie became wealthy. 他很快就富起来了.
- The Party called on the peasants to get organized. 党号召农民组织起来。
- Agitators urged the peasants to revolt . 煽动者怂恿农民叛变。
- Agitators urged the peasants to revolt. 煽动者怂恿农民叛变。
- Agitators urged the peasants to revolution. 煽动者怂恿农民革命。
- Agitators urged the peasants to revolt/revolution. 煽动者怂恿农民叛变(革命)。
- You use a peasant to claim land. 您用农民占据土地。
- They also organized the peasants to collect herbs. 他们还组织农民采草药。
- We usually help the peasants to gather the rice. 我们通常帮助农民收水稻。
- From dirt roads to the road of social change from poverty to affluence changes. 由土路到马路的转变也是社会从贫穷到富裕的转变。
- It was the landlords themselves who drove the peasants to this. 农民这样做都是被地主他们逼出来的。
- This is something that Singaporeans who have grown used to affluence and have little experiences with natural calamities should ponder about. 单就这一点,便对丰衣足食、少有机会经历天灾的新加坡人有深重意义。
- That's the only way for the peasants to shake off poverty. 这是农民摆脱贫困的唯一办法。
- They finally persuaded the peasant to send his daughter to school. 他们最后说服了那个农民送他的女儿去上学。
- IT'S official: “Tibet has moved from darkness to light, poverty to affluence, dictatorship to democracy and seclusion to opening up. 官方声称:”西藏已经从黑暗走向光明,从贫穷走向富足,从独裁走向民主,从与世隔绝走向开放。”
- Therefore,our present task is to lead the peasants to put their greatest efforts into the political struggle,so that the landlords'authority is entirely overthrown. 因此,目前我们对农民应该领导他们极力做政治斗争,期于彻底推翻地主权力。
- The bad harvests in the last few years reduced the peasants to extreme poverty. 过去几年的庄稼歉收使农民变得极为贫困。
- We must not allow the interests of the workers and peasants to be violated. 我们不能让工农的利益受到损害。
- He quickly rose to affluence. 他很快就富了起来。