- The leaf trichome lenghth of devil tan oak shortened with the reduction of light intensity. 鬼栎叶片下表皮的毛茸,随著光度的减低有变短的情形。
- Study on the Extraction Method of Leaf Trichome Exudates in Flue-cured Tobacco 烤烟烟叶腺毛分泌物提取方法初探
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- The distribution of trichome and stomata in the leaf was not even. 表皮毛和气孔器在叶面上分布不规则;
- I saw him take a leaf out of the book. 我看见他从书上撕下一页。
- The maple leaf is the emblem of Canada. 枫叶是加拿大的象征。
- The trees and shrubs were in full leaf. 那些树和灌木枝叶茂盛。
- One of several metal strips forming a leaf spring. 簧片构成片簧的几个金属片中的一个
- leaf trichome 叶毛
- The central or principal vein of a leaf. 中脉中心的或主要的叶脉
- The trees come into leaf in spring. 春天,树木吐芽长叶。
- Moelecular control of plant trichome development. 植物表皮毛发育的分子遗传控制。
- You should take a leaf out of Tom's book. 你应该学学汤姆。
- The type of trichome is peltate scale in abaxial. 叶上下表皮均有盾状鳞,上表皮仅有针状毛;
- A leaf came upon her book as she was reading. 她正读著书,一片树叶落到她的书上。
- The trees are just beginning to leaf. 树刚刚开始长叶子。
- Not a leaf nor an insect stirred. 不单是树叶,连个虫子都不动。
- The giraffe eats tender leaf from the tree highly. 长颈鹿从高高的树上吃掉嫩树叶子。
- The falling leaf spiralled to the ground. 落叶盘旋著飘到了地上。
- Leaf trichome exudates 腺毛分泌物