- You still need to keep your viewstate lean and mean to improve download time. 您仍需要精简您的视图状态,从而减少下载时间。
- All the exclusive factory team parts and trick setups are integrated into a lean and mean racing chassis that's engineered just for the track. 所有的专属工厂团队零件和伎俩设置整合成一支精简和平均赛车底盘的设计只为轨道。
- Cadbury is no sluggish layabout: under its current management it has slimmed, offshored and become lean and mean, so swingeing cuts will take out bone, not fat. 吉百利并非行动缓慢的懒惰者:在现在的管理模式下,它已经进行了精简,成了一家离岸公司,而且变得又瘦小又匀称,因此大规模的削减将会伤筋动骨,而不是减少脂肪。
- A lean and hungry cat came to our door. 一只饥饿的瘦猫走到我家门口。
- She felt the drag of a lean and narrow life. 她意识到他们的日子很艰难。
- She felt the drag of lean and narrow life. 她嗅到一种寒伧的生活气味。
- He may be stupid and mean, but his one saving grace is his humour. 他虽说又愚蠢又吝啬,但他有幽默的长处。
- A lean and hungry cat.came to our door. 一只饥饿的瘦猫走到我家门口。
- Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon! 变成了精瘦的拖着拖鞋的龙钟老叟,
- Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look. 那个凯西欧卡看起来又瘦又饿。
- He is too lean and looks just like a hemp stalk. 他太瘦了,像麻秆儿似的。
- The move to make GM leaner and meaner could make a debt for equity swap more attractive for lenders. 此举使通用汽车公司精简更灵活可作出债务转股权的贷款更具吸引力。
- Hypocrites say one thing and mean another. 伪君子们口是心非。
- I should have been sulky and mean. 我应该阴沉而自卑。
- The chair was hard and mean and creaky. 椅子又硬又不舒服,还吱呀发响。
- He knew how they felt, young and mean and shy. 他知道他们现在的感觉,稚嫩,刻薄,胆怯。
- They have shut the door and mean to keep us out. 他们关上门,企图把我们关在外面。
- Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep a-nights; Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look, He thinks too much: such men are dangerous. 但愿有胖子常随我左右,头颅光滑,夜里好睡的胖子; 在那儿的卡修斯面黄肌瘦,他想得太多了:这样的家伙就是危险。
- The herdsman ran at me, yelling, loud and mean. 牧人看到我大喊:"滚出去,小母狗!"
- Building a lean and strong military force the Chinese way. 走有中国特色的精兵之路。