- Want to learn together with me??? 有没有人想和我一起去学???
- He arranges me to learn together with himself child. 他安排我跟他自己的孩子一起学习。
- Think of these, more ecstasy Su Qin to learn together. 想到这些,苏秦更加忘我地学习起来。
- There is no heaven beloved, only souls that come together to learn together. 没有天堂,亲爱的,只有灵魂会合去共同学习。
- Knezevic, A. &Scholl, M.Learning to teach together: teaching to learn together. 本文转载自“上海学前教育网”,仅供各幼儿园教学、交流、科研之用。
- We learned together, the blind leading the blind. 我们一起学习,外行指导外行。
- Concurrent evolution is a form of evolution in which all time space continuums evolve and learn together. 同步进化是一个进化形式,其中所有的时间空间连续体一起进化和学习。
- For several weeks in July and August, students live, travel, and learn together with people they have never met before. 在七、八月份的几周中,学生们跟他们以前从未遇见的人一起生活、旅行和学习。
- Bora welcome you to join the design team, let us learn together and progress together to create new ideas it! 欢迎你加入伯拉设计团队, 让我们一起学习,一起进步, 一起开创新创意吧!
- Basis and application of wavelet analysis, a wavelet analysis to study a good book, we learn together. 小波分析与应用基础,一本不错的学习小波分析的书,大家一起学习。
- Family and their child(ren )are going to work and learn together with JT Kids Party. 家庭成员和孩子将共同学习,在我们的指导下举办好玩的儿童派对。
- In our schools,for instance,students of different races learn together,play together and compete with one another in the sports arena. 如在学校里,不同种族的学生共同学习、结伴而行,运动场上欢声雀跃地进行体育比赛。
- Rather,they serve to remind how greatly each of us expand his own horizons by standing in the other's shoes. We can learn together. 相反,它们可以提醒我们,通过设身处地理解对方,双方都可以大幅度地拓展自己的视野。
- Great rewards will come to those who can live together, learn together, work together, forge new ties that bind together. 能够共同生活、共同学习、共同工作和共同建立新的联系和纽带的人将会前途似锦。
- Rather, they serve to remind how greatly each of us expand his own horizons by standing in the other's shoes. We can learn together. 相反,它们可以提醒我们,通过设身处地理解对方,双方都可以大幅度地拓展自己的视野。
- The upperclassman and his underclass mothers learned together in cooking class. 高年级的学生和他的下层阶级的母亲一起在烹饪课上学习。
- Fringe in the downloaded two Sierpinski procedures for all learning together. 自己编写的程序,产生Sierpinski衬垫图案;简易实现。附带在网上下载的两个Sierpinski程序供大家一起学习。-their preparation procedures have Sierpinski liner pictorial; simple to achieve.
- In our schools, for instance, students of different races learn together, play together and compete with one another in the sports arena. 如在学校里,不同种族的学生共同学习、结伴而行,运动场上欢声雀跃地进行体育比赛;
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 让我把我的零碎东西收拾起来。
- There in the morning hours, I will see so many smiling faces of classmates. We will talk joyfully and we learn together. 上课时,可以听到整齐清晰的朗诵声,也可看到数十个同学聚精会神的听讲。