- Conclusion: Danggui Shaoyao-San could improve free radical metabolized in hippocamp to improve the learning and memory capability of model mouse. 结论:当归芍药散通过调节脑海马自由基代谢,可改善血管性痴呆小鼠学习与记忆能力。
- Conclusion: DangguiShaoyao Powder can regulate the neurotransmitter content of 5-HT and DA in hippocamp and improve the learning and memory capability of model mic. 结论当归芍药散通过调节脑海马神经递质5-HT和DA含量,改善血管性痴呆小鼠学习与记忆能力。
- Chronic multiple stress enhances learning and memory capability in rats 慢性复合应激增强大鼠空间学习和记忆能力
- Various texts on learning and memory. 各种有关学习和记忆的文本。
- He taught a graduate course on learning and memory. 他教授关于学习和记忆的课程。
- Effect of Anshenbunao Syrup on Learning and Memory Capability and Contents of Monoamine Neurotransmitter Inside Brain in Juvenile Mice 安神补脑液对未成年小鼠学习记忆功能及脑内单胺类神经递质含量的影响
- To test their learning and memory, the mice completed a maze task. 美国国家抗衰老研究所的维列君哈勒格勃和马克马特森研究了食物中的高脂高糖对老鼠认知记忆能力的影响。
- EEA improves learning and memory, more effective than WEA. EEA对学习和记忆有明显的增强作用,此作用强于WEA。
- learning and memory capability 学习记忆
- Our results suggested that gynosaponin facilitate learning and memory of mice. 提示绞股蓝总皂甙可增进小鼠学习和记忆的作用。
- Opioid also exhibits significant influence on learning and memory itself. 阿片本身对动物的学习记忆过程也能产生明显的影响。
- The fact that glutamate modifies dopamine action demonstrates a direct connection between brain reward circuits and those for learning and memory. 麸胺酸可以改变多巴胺的作用,证明脑的报酬线路与学习、记忆线路有直接的联系。
- Changes of Learning and Memory Function under Weightlessness or Simulated Weightlessness. 失重或模拟失重时脑学习记忆功能的改变。
- II Learning and Memory in Primates II Bichot, N. P., J. D. Schall, and K. G. Thompson. 灵长类的的学习和记忆。
- The experimental study of the relation between the striatum marginal division and the function of learning and memory. 纹状体边缘区与学习记忆功能关系的实验研究。
- The number of cholinergi c neurons and abilities of learning and memory of vascular dementia rats are dec reased. 血管性痴呆大鼠海马胆碱能神经元减少 ,空间记忆能力下降。
- Depression of learning and memory behavior happened with the terminal degeneration of the MrD NBM projection. 损伤MrD造成MrD和NBM形成突触联系的终末溃变后,动物的学习记忆能力降低。
- Effect of DHA Supplmentation during Development on Rats Learning and Memory Ability. 发育期补充DHA对大鼠学习记忆的影响。
- It has been considered that basal forebrain cholinergic system has affinity with learning and memory. 基底前脑胆碱能系统一直被认为与动物的学习记忆能力密切相关。
- Objective To study the mechanism of the effect of gynostemma on learning and memory of rats. 目的观察绞股蓝对大白鼠学习记忆的作用机制。