- What political party does he belong to? 他是哪个政党的成员?
- Father and son acceded to the same political party. 父子俩加入了同一个政党。
- A breakaway group within the old political party formed a new one. 从那个旧政党中分裂出去的一派又组成了一个新政党。
- A fringe group was separated from the main political party. 从该党内部分离出来一个外围集团。
- Ten of the members splintered off to form another political party. 10个成员分裂出来组成了另一个政党。
- A new political party usually poaches ideas from its rivals. 新政党往往把敌对政党的思想攫为己有。
- Here is a political party broadcast before an election. 这是某党派选举前的政治广播节目。
- Discover your learning style, and success is on your doorstep. 发现适合你的学习方法,成功将近在眼前。
- A fringe group separated from the main political party. 从政党本身分离出来的外围集团。
- Can handheld mobile devices dramatically change the learning style? 手持移动设备能够显著改变学习特征吗?
- He gave his adherence to the newly-founded political party. 他拥护那个新建的政党。
- Develop a good learning style---- Autonomous writing style. 自主式写作。
- He refused to identify with the new political party. 他拒绝参与那个新政党。
- Many varied motives prompt individuals to join a political party. 促使人们加入政党的动机许许多多且各不相同。
- He refused to identify himself with the new political party. 他拒绝参与那个新政党。
- First, using Felder-Solomon’s Questionnaire analyzes the learning style. 然后借用概念图对课程内容进行科学分解。
- Tald show host: So how does knowing your learning style benefit you? 那么你怎么知道你的学习风格对你有益?
- The program of a political party is a banner. 一个政党的纲领就是一面旗帜。
- Their political party is rebuilding. 他们的政党在重建中。
- Only 31% of them had matching learning styles. 学习形态一致的占31%25。