- least square polynomial fit [计] 最小二乘多项式拟合
- Through the "static roller 1g acceleration of gravity experiment." quadratic function least squares polynomial fitting and application method, the temperature accelerometers static model; 通过“加速度计的重力场1g静态翻滚实验”,应用二次函数最小二乘法和多项式拟合的方法,建立了加速度计静态温度模型;
- Algorithm gor least square fit curve. 最小二乘法拟合曲线的算法-
- C1 is obtained using the least square method. C1 被获得使用最没有正直的方法。
- Coefficients of the polynomial are determined by the least square fitting, so its learning is simple and fast.The proposed method is more suitable for multiple contingencies. 多项式的系数用最小二乘法拟合确定,结果显示较一般方法学习简单,速度较快,更适合多个预想事故情况下共用。
- Error estimate of the least squares binary polynomial fitting for map projection 地图投影的最小二乘二元多项式拟合的误差估计
- And the least Square Fit is applied to calibrate a series of parameters automatically. 采用最小二乘拟合算法,通过计算机实现滤波器的自动校准。
- The unique accurate solution carl be provided by the least square method combined with the optimized FIT method in the paper and the method is better than FWM method. 用本文提出的最小二乘法与最优化方法相结合的 FIT 法估计参数,比 PWM 法更好,且能给出唯一解。
- Abstract: Converting a nonlinear problem to a linear one by m eans of the least square fit method,it is presented a nonlinear error modeling m ethod based on the measuring data. 摘 要: 利用最小二乘技术识别模型参数,将非线性问题作线性化处理,提出了一种基于测量数据反演非线性误差模型的建模方法。
- Using polynomial fit technique,the more accurate equations of UV254 and COD/oil can be obtained. 采用多项式拟合技术,可得到UV254与COD、油含量更为精确的关联式。
- By using square polynomial regressions,a new method to calculate air density in the technology of increasing the load of transmission lines was engineered analyzed. 文中依据原始数据,利用最小二乘法,对动态提高输电线路输送容量技术中空气密度的计算进行了工程化处理,便于更好的推广和使用。
- In the Statistics area of the positionplot, click the Statistics Menu button and select "Curve Fit, Polynomial Fit"in the Statistics menu. 在位置曲线的统计区中,单击统计菜单按钮,并在统计菜单中选择“曲线拟合,多项式拟合”。
- They serve those little square burgers. 供应那些方形的汉堡。
- Then inversion of the advanced detection is caried out by least square method. 然后采用最小二乘法对超前探测视电阻率曲线进行快速反演。
- Zernike polynomial fitting method and its application[J]. 引用该论文 单宝忠;王淑岩;牛憨笨;刘颂豪.
- This paper introduces the use of polynomial fit in compensation for frequency response of a receiver,a good result is got,and the polynomial fit is a very useful tool. 通过介绍作者在工作中使用多项式拟合进行接收机频响补偿并取得的良好效果,说明多项式拟合是一种非常有用的工具。
- Secondly, the initial normal vector will be improved by conicoid least square. 然后,采用最小二乘进行二次曲面拟合进行修正。
- The least square method was used to fit the ground level line into a bidirectional lateral grade, and then to calculate the cross-sectional areas of earth work, effectively ensuring the calculation accuracy together with improving the calculation speed. 采用最小二乘法将地面线拟合成双向横坡来计算各断面的填挖方面积,提高计算速度的同时,有效保证了计算精度。
- Least squares in linear models II. 线性模型中的最小二乘法2。
- A few common periods in the series of residual latitude (O-C) of four stations in China have been found by means of maximum entropy power spectrum, periodogram and least square fit methods. 本文用我国四个台站的剩余纬度(O-C)序列,用最大熵功率谱、周期图和最小二乘拟合的方法找出了四个序列中共同的周期。