- Populations in less developed nations tend to live in smaller homes, with larger family units. 在一些欠发达国家,一大家子的人就住在很小的房子里。
- Industrial technology leapfrogging is an ideal means that less developed nations and regions exceed developed ones. 产业技术跨越是欠发达国家或地区赶超发达国家或地区的一种理想途径。
- US, Japan now are the only two developed nation executing DS. 在发达国家中仍执行死刑的,现在仅剩美、日两国。
- Traveled through the least developed areas of the world. 游遍世界上最不发达的地区。
- The Dandelion Patch is the least developed of the four active vents. “蒲公英区”在这四个活裂口中是发育最差的一个。
- Tonga most original, the most backward and least developed National and regional human history (Heritage / antiques / heirlooms / collectibles) network Expo (chip); 汤加 最原始,最落后,最不发达国家和地区 人类历史(文物/古董/传家宝/收藏品)网络博览会(筹);
- Initiated trade with developing nations. 开始与发展中国家的贸易
- It's one of the less developed countries. 它是发达程度较低的国家之一。
- Third world countries including Jamaica, Surinam, and Guyana supply almost 90% of developed nation imports of bauxite. 第三世界国家包括牙买加、苏里南和圭亚那几乎提供了发达国家铝土矿进口的90%25。
- After Australia,no developed nation on Earth gets more annual sunlight than the United States. 除澳大利亚,世界上没有哪一个发达国家比美国每年获取的阳光更多。
- We also undertake to address the special needs of the least developed countries. 我们还承诺设法满足最不发达国家的特殊需要。
- They carry out operations in more than one developing nation. 他们在超过一个发展中国家开展业务。
- The last point applies particularly to the smallest and least developed countries. 最后一点特别反映了最小和最不发达国家的情况。
- Our transport infrastructure in the UK is farcically inadequate for a developed nation. 我们英国的交通基础建设,作为一个发达国家来说,非常地不发达。
- To establish a Trust Fund within WIPO to provide specific financial assistance for least developed countries (LDCs). 在WIPO设立信托基金,为最不发达国家(LDCs)提供专项财政援助。
- Third world countries including Jamaica, Surinam, and Guyana supply almost 90% of developed nation imports of bauxite . 第三世界国家包括牙买加、苏里南和圭亚那几乎提供了发达国家铝土矿进口的90%25。
- Botswana graduated from the group of 25 Least Developed Countries in 1991 and is now a lower middle-income country. 博茨瓦纳已从1991年的25个最不发达国家之一发展成为今天的中等偏下收入国家。
- Developing nations need outside help. 发展中国家需要外国的援助。
- In general most less developed countries attempt to tax luxuries. 总的说来;大多数欠发达国家都想征收奢侈品税.
- Because less developed economy, the environment more liveable. 正因为经济不太发达,环境更适宜居住。