- leather ring for fastening 缚紧用牛皮圈
- Please ring for the attendant if you need anything. 如果需要什么,请按铃找服务员。
- ring for fastening, leather 缚紧用牛皮圈
- If you need anything, just ring for the attendant. 如果您要什么,就按铃叫服务员。
- Front side buckles for fastening? 背包前部两?
- If you need anything, just ring for the reception desk. 如果您要一辆车,就打电话给服务台。
- A clip of wood or plastic for fastening clothes to a clothesline. 晒衣用衣夹木制或塑料制的夹子,用于把衣服固定在晒衣绳子
- He had to turn to the Genie of the Ring for help. 他不得不向戒指神求助。
- A small hook for fastening a button on shoes or gloves. 钮扣钩用于将钮扣紧固在鞋或衣袖上的一种小钩
- Suitable for fastening all kinds of hook and placard. 适用于各种挂勾,海报看报的粘合固定。
- Yes.I'm looking for a wedding ring for my fiancee. 行,我在给我的未婚妻买结婚戒指。
- A cord usually made of fiber, used for fastening, tying, or lacing. 绳子,带子:通常由纤维构成的线,用于加固,绑或系
- Walnut beating in the chain, Kakaka ring for. 核桃击打在锁链上,咔咔咔响。
- For fastening aircraft parts together, riveting is adopted. 采用铆接法,把飞行器部件连接在一起。
- I rang for a taxi and it arrived soon after. 我打电话叫了计程车,不一会儿车就到了。
- A small hole or perforation,usually rimmed with metal,cord,fabric,or leather,used for fastening with a cord or hook. 孔眼一小洞或眼儿,常用金属、线、纤维或皮做边,用于系绳索或钩子
- Yes,I'm looking for a wedding ring for my financee. 可以。我想给我未婚妻买一枚结婚戒指。
- If you need anything,just ring for the attendant. 如果您要什么,就按铃叫服务员。
- A small slit in a garment or piece of fabric for fastening a button. 钮扣眼用于紧固钮扣的衣服或织物上的小开口
- Compatible GK baton holders: Professional Leather Swivel # 451, Professional leather Ring #460 &Red Label Ring # 9460. 可以配用的GK棍套有:451型皮质专业棍套、460型皮质专业棍套、和9460红色标签环棍套。