- Chapter two analyzes the legal attribute of the connubial loyalty agreement. 第二章分析夫妻忠实协议的法律属性。
- The legal attribute of market manipulation is not monopoly or vicious speculation, but securities fraud. 操纵市场行为的法律性质不是垄断、恶意投机,而是证券欺诈。
- The phenomena,legal attribute and hazard of fomenting medical dispute were analyzed. 就当前"医闹"问题的具体表现、法律属性及其危害进行分析;
- The cause of fomenting medical dispute in view of medical institute,solution ways and legal attribute were discussed and suggestions in those parts were presented. 探讨"医闹"产生的医疗机构本身、解决方式以及法律方面的原因;从医疗机构本身、处理机制以及配套法律、法规等方面提出解决该问题的治本方略。
- The issues of definition, legal attribute and classification of market manipulation are the basis for adequately regulating, effectively punishing and efficiently preventing market manipulation. 摘要操纵市场行为的定义、法律性质与分类等基本问题是充分监管、有力处罚和有效预防操纵市场行为的基础性问题。
- On Legal Attribute and Rule of the Afterbirth 论胎盘的法律属性及其规制
- On the Legal Attribute of Usufructuary Right 论用益物权的法律属性
- The object of Enterprise Patent Strategy (EPS) is the patentable technology and it shows legal attributes. 摘要企业专利战略以可专利技术为对象,具有法律性特征。
- On Legal Attribute of Contract for Estate Management 物业管理合同法律属性之新解
- Development of Modern Medical Record and Its Legal Attribute 现代病历的发展及其法律属性
- Legal Attribute of Bloods Infused into Patients by Hospitals 论医院为患者所输血液的法律属性
- The sword is an attribute of a fighter. 剑是斗士的象征。
- Analysis on Legal Principle on Legal Attribute and Form of Expressions of Works 作品的法律属性及表现形式的法理分析
- Legal Attribute and Mutual Relative Retain, Summons and Issue a Warrant 留置、传唤、拘传的法律属性及适用中的相互关系
- The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child. 法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益。
- The old pound note is no longer legal tender. 旧制的英镑纸币已不是法定的货币了。
- The sceptre is an attribute of kingly power. 节杖是国王权力的象徵。
- Politeness is an attribute of a gentleman. 彬彬有礼是绅士的本色。
- Politeness is the attribute of a gentleman. 温文有礼是绅士的特质。
- He is the only legal heir of the rich man. 他是这位富翁的唯一法定继承人。