- Delete the legal bases which are not appliable. 取消不适用的法律基础。
- To put economic operation on a legal basis. 经济运行法制化。
- Whatever their legal bases, the hybrid rulemaking requirements generally fell into two broad categories. 无论混合型规则制定的法律基础是什么,其要求条件一般分属两个大范畴。
- The ABH was to be the legal base for manufacturing and selling “Lynx” helicopters developed by Westland. ABH(阿拉伯英国西部直升机公司)被授予生产和销售“山猫”直升机。
- This article introduces the WTO multilateral negotiation in maritime transport service, and points out GATS is the legal base for maritime transport service. 本文介绍了乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判中海运服务谈判的基本情况,指出GATS完全可适用于海运服务,是其达成进一步协议的法律制度平台。
- Part three makes an deep analysis of the scope of tippee and its legal basis. 第三部分深入分析了内幕信息领受人的范围及其法律基础。
- The second chapter argues about the legal basis of international factoring. 第二部分着重论述了国际保理的法律基础。
- If the defect rectification or replacement delivery fails, the purchaser may - ruling out all further claims of any kind, and regardless of the legal bases therefore - choose to either repudiate the contract or demand a reduction. 如果过失纠正或运输新产品失败,则买方有权取消所有进一步的需求申明,不论法律基础是什么,都可要求取消该产品或者要求降低收费。
- The newly revised Criminal Law has added the stipulation on the "crime of undermining environmental and resources protection", providing an effective legal base for intensifying law enforcement and punishing crimes related to environment. 在新修订的《刑法》中,增加了“破坏环境资源保护罪”的规定,为强化环境监督执法、制裁环境犯罪行为,提供了强有力的法律依据。
- As Respondent has performed all its obligations, Applicant has no legal basis for forfeiting the deposit. 已尽善履行自己的义务,故申请人无任何法律上的根据没收押金。
- This document shall only be taken as reference, but not business license or legal basis. 本资料仅供参考,不得作为经营凭证和法律依据。
- The theories on judicial review in west countries established the legal basis for theJudicial Review in EC Law. 欧共体之所以能够建立起比较完善的司法审查制度,这与西方有着源远流长的司法审查理论和宪政意识有着直接的联系。
- The legal basis of OA is either the consent of the copyright holder or the public domain, usually the former. 无论是依据法律的OA征得著作权人或公共领域;通常前者.
- The 17 Point Agreement was signed under duress and has absolutely no legal basis. 17条协议是在被胁迫之下签署的,绝对没有任何法律依据。
- Therefore, the transferability of commercial housing sold in advance has its deep economics and legal basis. 由此,预售商品房可以转让不仅有其存在的经济学基础,而且具有深刻的法学基础。
- We launched a bombing raid on enemy bases. 我们对敌方基地实施了突然袭击。
- "Shiniandongluan" so that the army had no legal basis for a while, unsystematic dilemma. “十年动乱”曾使军队一度陷入无法可依、无章可循的窘境。
- It not only has legal basis,but also can largely promote the balance of the justice and efficiency. 它不仅具有合法性根据,而且能够促进公正与效率之间最大限度的平衡。
- The runner was retired put out at first base. 跑垒者于第一垒上被刺杀出局。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。