- To put economic operation on a legal basis. 经济运行法制化。
- Part three makes an deep analysis of the scope of tippee and its legal basis. 第三部分深入分析了内幕信息领受人的范围及其法律基础。
- The second chapter argues about the legal basis of international factoring. 第二部分着重论述了国际保理的法律基础。
- Delete the legal bases which are not appliable. 取消不适用的法律基础。
- As Respondent has performed all its obligations, Applicant has no legal basis for forfeiting the deposit. 已尽善履行自己的义务,故申请人无任何法律上的根据没收押金。
- This document shall only be taken as reference, but not business license or legal basis. 本资料仅供参考,不得作为经营凭证和法律依据。
- The theories on judicial review in west countries established the legal basis for theJudicial Review in EC Law. 欧共体之所以能够建立起比较完善的司法审查制度,这与西方有着源远流长的司法审查理论和宪政意识有着直接的联系。
- The legal basis of OA is either the consent of the copyright holder or the public domain, usually the former. 无论是依据法律的OA征得著作权人或公共领域;通常前者.
- The 17 Point Agreement was signed under duress and has absolutely no legal basis. 17条协议是在被胁迫之下签署的,绝对没有任何法律依据。
- Therefore, the transferability of commercial housing sold in advance has its deep economics and legal basis. 由此,预售商品房可以转让不仅有其存在的经济学基础,而且具有深刻的法学基础。
- "Shiniandongluan" so that the army had no legal basis for a while, unsystematic dilemma. “十年动乱”曾使军队一度陷入无法可依、无章可循的窘境。
- It not only has legal basis,but also can largely promote the balance of the justice and efficiency. 它不仅具有合法性根据,而且能够促进公正与效率之间最大限度的平衡。
- Article 6 Export licenses are the legal basis by which the State administrates the exit of goods. 第六条出口许可证是国家管理货物出境的法律凭证。
- Secondly, this part analyze the legal basis of domestic factoring by comparing four theories. 其次,通过比较四种不同的学说,分析国内保理业务的法律基础。
- It not only has legal basis, but also can largely promote the balance of the justice and efficiency. 它不仅具有合法性根据,而且能够促进公正与效率之间最大限度的平衡。
- There is a legal basis for censorship in Vietnam's 1992 Constitution , but it's not without contradiction. 在越南1992年所制定的宪法中对于审查制度有其法源依据,但有矛盾。
- Article 6 The import license is the legal basis by which the State administrates the import of goods. 第六条进口许可证是国家管理货物进口的法律凭证。
- However, the present reason of constituting right of dwelling don't provide a legal basis for real right law‘s. 因此,通常意义所说的居住权是民法意义上的物权的角度出发,而且是为了特定人的居住房屋的需要。
- Thus, the aggregate purchase of property management services to owners of the legal basis does not exist. 这样,以业主集合体购买物业管理服务的法律基础就不存在。
- And many problems such as auditorial principle, process, legal basis and mode are exposed. 如审计的原则、程序、法理依据、审计模式都存在一些不尽合理的地方。