- When you drive, you must not exceed the legal limit. 你开车时不能超过法定的速度。
- When you drive,you must not exceed the legal limit. 你开车时不能超过法定的速度。
- The tyres were worn below the legal limit of 1.6 mm of tread. 这些轮胎磨损得已低于胎面 1.;6 毫米的法定厚度。
- They were travelling at a speed that was double the legal limit. 他们正以两倍于法定限速的速度行驶。
- The legal limit of melamine in Hong Kong is 2.5 ppm. 根据香港法例,产品的三聚氰胺法定上限为百万分之2.;5。
- The scooter rider had twice the legal limit of alcohol in his bloodstream. 摩托车骑士的血液酒精浓度为法定浓度的两倍。
- Abstract: In the later period of Ming Dynasty, the traditional consciousness faltered, and the legal limitation to women was loosened. 文章摘要: 明朝后期,在商品经济的冲击下,传统意识发生异动,国家法律对妇女的限制有所松动。
- Currently there are no specific legal limit values for the use of PAHs and tar oils in products in EU. 目前在欧洲没有明确的法律限量指标去限制多环芳烃和产品中的焦油。
- An autopsy report showed that Mr.Albrecht’s blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit. 在验尸报告中显示,当时,阿布雷彻先生血液中的酒精含量是法律限制酒精含量的三倍之多。
- LINDA DUFFIN: The levels of atmospheric pollution here can sometimes reach five times the legal limit. 当地的空气污染有时超过法定限制的四倍。
- Meanwhile, the client"s assumpsit for breach of the agreement shall not exceed the maximum legal limit. 同时,当事人对于违约金的约定,不得超过法律规定的最高限额。
- Unlike a lot of summer books, "The Legal Limit" floodlight isn''t a guilty pleasure. 因为怀旧而受欢迎的不仅仅是T恤和半导体,还有古老玩具。
- Two strongholds of slavery;but in the first, deliverance possible, a legal limit always in sight, and then, escape. 两处都是奴役人的地方,不过在第一个地方,还有得救的可能,总还有一个法定的限期在望,再说,可以潜逃。
- The unit inside any legal limits and laborer must attend social insurance. 任何法定范围内的单位和劳动者都必须参加社会保险。
- This is from the mutual rights and legal limitations of the decision. 这是由权利的相互性和法律的局限性决定的。
- The driver was more than three times over the legal limit(= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). 那位驾驶人体内的酒精含量超过了法律允许限度的三倍。
- After registering a blood alcohol level well over the legal limit, the man ran onto the road and picked up a live snake. 对这名男子进行测试后发现,此人血液中的酒精含量已超出法律规定上限,但就在此时,他却突然跑向道路中央并从地上捡起一条活蛇。
- He said the research clearly showed that a motorist who is texting is significantly more impaired than a motorist at the legal limit for alcohol. 英国皇家飞行俱乐部主管斯蒂芬?格莱斯特说:“受访者几乎一致认为酒后驾车最危险。
- The statistics included college students killed in car accidents if the students had alcohol in their blood,even if the level was below the legal limit. 统计数字表明因酒后驾车导致车祸而死亡的大学生中不仅包括酒精含量超标的人,甚至还包括了那些血液中酒精含量低于法定标准的人。
- The statistics included college students killed in car accidents if the students had alcohol in their blood, even if the level was below the legal limit. 统计数字表明因酒后驾车导致车祸而死亡的大学生中不仅包括酒精含量超标的人,甚至还包括了那些血液中酒精含量低于法定标准的人。