- Whoever infringes upon such rights shall be dealt with by legal means. 侵害使用权和承包经营权的,无论是什么人,都将受到法律追究。
- To establish(a child born out of wedlock)as legitimate by legal means. 通过法律手段给(私生子)以合法地位
- To take into one's family through legal means and raise as one's own child. 收养,过继通过合法手段吸收为家庭中的一员并作自己的孩子抚养
- To establish(a child born out of wedlock) as legitimate by legal means. 通过法律手段给(私生子)以合法地位
- Would you seek for the legal means if the consultation cannot help resolve the dispute? 如果协商解决不了的话,通过法律就是说依靠国家权力来解决吗?
- At the same time, UPS decided to use legal means for extending its operating authority in California. 同时,UPS决定以合法的手段寻求在加州扩展其营运权。
- As to legal means to rehabilitate the rupture, the path of socialization of law must be followed. 运用法律手段修复这种断裂,应当遵循法律社会化的路径。
- He cited "chilling" to describe the reports and said that we must use legal means to safeguard their rights. 他以“心寒”来形容该报道,并表示一定要使用法律手段来维护自己的权利。
- True sale is the legal means of segregating the assets from the originator"s credit condition. 真实出售是将证券化的资产与发起人信用相隔离的法律手段;
- Rehousing of residents, Zhang through other legal means should be taken to resolve the units separately. 对拆迁安置问题,张某应当通过其他合法途径与拆迁单位另行解决。
- States to take their political, economic and legal means to help Weifang textile enterprises from anti-dumping dilemma. 国家采取何种政治、经济、法律手段帮助潍坊纺织业企业摆脱反倾销困境。
- NOTICE: Any text paragraph, drawings or pictures mustn't be reproduced in any way! Offenders will resort to legal means! Please seriously! 本文的任何文字和图片都不容许以任何方式转载,违者将诉诸法律手段处理!请严肃对待!
- We will speed up to adopt management and business practice based on economic and legal means and international standards. 我们要加快步伐采用以经济与律手段和国际标准为基础的管理模式和经营方。
- The State, society, schools and families shall educate and help minors to safeguard their lawful rights and interests by legal means. 国家、社会、学校和家庭应当教育和帮助未成年人运用法律手段,维护自己的合法权益。
- In one hand, we need to ruge the relative departments to investigate those that they should legal means to protect themselves. 另一方面增强人们的法制观念,使人们逐渐认识到用法律手段维护自己的合法权益。
- However, "Fuk Lok storm" has not dissipated, even House said, the next step will take legal means to pursue "Fuk Lok" manufacturers responsibility. 然而,“福乐风波”却仍未消散,居然之家表示,下一步将采取法律手段,追究“福乐”生产厂家的责任。
- The transaction may be hampered, at present Fortis investors are taking legal means, the requirements on the sale of assets to conduct a consultation. 此次交易可能受到阻挠,目前富通投资者正采取法律手段,要求就出售资产一事进行咨询。
- Warner Bros. takes the threat of Internet piracy very seriously and employs all legal means to contain the unauthorized copying and distribution of our films on the Internet. 华纳兄弟公司一向把网络盗版看成是对电影事业的严重威胁,势必运用一切法律手段来打击网络盗版。
- Ensuring the implementation of recommendations and rulings by legal means is one of the key reasons why it is compulsive. Article 22 of DSU demonstrates the compulsive nature. 以法律手段保障裁决或建议的执行是该机制被认为具有强制性的关键所在,这主要体现在DSU第22条关于贸易报复的规定上。
- The registration of corporate is the important legal means to promulgate its information, to supervise corporate and to protect the transaction security of the market subject. 公司登记是公示公司信息,对公司实行监管,保护市场主体交易安全的重要法律手段。