- It is not legal relations, and it originates from the need of each other. 事实存在的领导与被领导、影响与被影响的关系不是法定的,而是来源于彼此需要。
- In a word, the police and procurator relationship naturally belongs to legal relations of procedure. 该部分指出检警关系的形成与相应的刑事诉讼结构、刑事诉讼职能划分、刑事诉讼价值等有着密切联系。
- The eighth part researches on the development of legal relations between parties in international factoring. 再次,探讨了国际保理当事人之间权利义务关系的可发展性;
- It is an urgent issue to be addressed how to handle and treat ASEAN-involved civil and commercial legal relations in China. 而如何处理和对待我国涉东盟的民商事法律关系,这是目前摆在我们面前急需探讨的问题。
- The subjects of the adjoined property legal relations possess the partitive ownership, common ownership, neighboring right and membership. 异产毗连法律关系的主体拥有区分所有权、共有权、相邻权和成员权。
- The rights the subject of the human rights legal relations enjoys are the obligations the subject of obligation should shoulder, including respect, protection and implementation. 人权法律关系权利主体所享有的权利即义务主体所承担的义务,包括尊重、保护和实现等义务;
- This document does not constitute an intention to create legal relations and any presumption of intention to create such legal relations is expressly rebutted by both parties. 双方无意以此协议文件设立某项法律关系。并且,双方明确反对认为此协议文件旨在设立某项法律关系的任何假定。
- The essence and function of economic law must be considered again, the frame and system of economic law and the protection of economic and legal relations must be reconfirmed. 必须重新认识中国经济法的本质及其功能,必须重新确认经济法的框架体系与经济法律关系的保护,必须迎对高科技时代对中国经济法的挑战。
- It should be noted that the "uncompleted residential flats" in the early construction of a complex legal relations, legal issues prevented the development of these late. 应当看到,“烂尾楼”在前期建设中形成了错综复杂的法律关系,这些法律问题阻碍了楼盘的后期处理。
- This dissert intends to clarify the legal relations between parties in international factoring, and to provide references to practice and legislation in international factoring. 本文以国际保理当事人之间的法律关系为着眼点,力图通过理论的解析为实务和立法提供参考。
- The paper also analyzed the characteristics of legal relation of bill discount. 该文还分析了票据贴现的法律关系特征。
- Among the parties there are complicated legal relations consist of the relations of rights and duties engaged in contract and the relations of righs and duties stipulated by law. 在这些当事人之间,存在着错综复杂的法律关系:既有合同约定的权利义务关系,也有法律直接规定的权利义务关系。
- This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed, and the legal relations created herein shall be determined, in accordance with the laws of the P.R.China. 本协议的解释及相关法律内容按照中华人民共和国法律进行裁定。
- State property, collective property, private property and enterprise are all suitable to be viewed as universitates, which could apply integrally certain legal relations as the object of property. 国有财产、集体财产和私人财产以及企业,都符合集合物的构成要求;它们之所以能作为物权的客体,是要适用统一的法律关系。
- Hence, the definition of such a right of ownership and therein the legal relation of the people concerned. 也就产生了这一权利的界定和划分后的人与人之间的法律关系。
- The bodies of trust property transfer legal relation include settlor and accepter. 财产转移法律关系的主体为委托人和财产接受人。
- Legal relation theory which is rebuilt under "social entrust" theory will be more reasonable. 以“公共信托”理论构筑的法律关系理论更具有合理性。
- Whenever the tissue of life is woven of legalistic relations, there is an atmosphere of moral mediocrity, paralyzing man's noblest impulses. 一旦生命的薄纱由法律关系织成的,世界就会被平庸道德的气氛所笼罩,从而麻痹人类最崇高的激情。
- In this legal relation, the fund holder is a client, fund superviser and fund mandator are trustees. 在此法律关系中,基金持有人是委托人,基金管理人和基金托管人是受托人。
- Relations were slow to normalize after the war. 战后国际正常关系恢复缓慢。