- The Legal System of Governmental Procurement. 法律援助制度。
- Research on the WTO legal system of agricultural trade II. 农产品贸易法律制度研究2。
- legal system of investment 投资制度安排
- WTO and the Legal System of Financial Supervision in China II. 与中国金融监管法律制度研究2。
- The legal system of social network and a new difficulties. 成为网络世界和法制社会的一个新的难点。
- The doctrine of the legal system of assets is the core of economics. 产权法律制度建立的原则,就是遵循财产经济学理论的核心。
- The legal system of seizure of ships is an important juridical procedure. 扣船制度是解决海事争议的重要司法程序。
- THE legal system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) is firmly based on the rule of law and the independence of the Judiciary. 香港特别行政区的法律制度,建立在法治和司法独立的稳固基础上。
- So the author wants to establish an administrative conclusion system of environmental tort's causality, as the supplement of the present legal system. 为此,笔者设想建立一套环境侵权因果关系的行政鉴定制度,作为对现有法律制度的补充和完善。
- Investment fund in America stands for mode of Corporate Type Fund, moreover, the supervisory system and law system of investment fundsin America is perfect. 美国是公司型投资基金发展模式的代表,其对基金的监管体制、立法等非常完备;
- The legal system of marriage property is mainly based on the legal property provision. 法定财产制是人们主要适用的夫妻财产制度。
- In order to adapt to the requirements of market economy,Yunnan province should reform the managerial system of governmental investment,break the bottle neck of investment wh... 适应市场经济要求,云南省应通过改革政府投资管理体制,打破制约经济发展的投资瓶颈,推动经济社会的全面发展。
- WTO and Reforms of Chinese Legal System II. 与中国法律改革2。
- The paper explicates the concept and significance of investment system of environmental protection in China proceeding from the theory of investment system in China. 本文从对我国投资概念的理论入手,论述了我国环境保护投资与投资制度的概念和意义。
- And the paper emphatically discusses legal system of commercial name of Aomen Commercial Law in our country. 并同时总结性的指出了我国商号法律保护的不足之处,也简要分析了出现如此现状的原因。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Modernization of Legal System:a Western spirit? 法制现代化:一个西方的“幽灵”?
- The particularity results first from the specialty of the legal system of European Community. 这首先源于欧共体自身法律体系的特殊性。
- Part 4 legal systems of trademark and tradename in other countries and areas. 第四部分其他国家或地区关于商标与商号的法律制度。
- Our country should make use of it,and to consummated the Legal System of Eco-securITy Protection as soon as possible. 我国应借鉴其成功经验,及早完善我国生态安全保护法律制度体系。