- legitime haeredes [法] 合法继承人
- And social ethic morality is also calling on the establishment of legitim system in China. 社会伦理道德也强烈呼吁我国特留份制度的建立;
- For disposition of resources of right, legitim is in a position to realize maximization of effectiveness. 在权利资源的配置上,特留份能够实现效用的最大化。
- The legitim system is of concomitance with testament freedom according to analyses from view angle of historical reference. 特留份制度从历史发展的视角分析,其与遗嘱自由是相伴相生的;
- The third part gives exhibition of concrete construction of legitim system of our country, which is based on comparative analysis of legitim systems of nations of the world. 论文第三部分在对各国特留份制度进行比较分析的基础上,提出了我国特留份制度的具体构建。
- As the referee after the game Haer Xi in the report submitted by Terry's red card for a "negative" definition, Terry looks forward to "sentence" the hope that also will be shattered. 由于主裁判哈尔西在赛后提交的报告中对于特里的红牌进行了“不利”的界定,期待对特里“减刑”的希望也随之破灭。
- First half injury time, the middle Haer Jia-point shots, right in low-Maka Luo Chuan, Frick scramble in front of Mexes, 7 meters in front of his right foot Tuishe Service Network, Rome 0-to-1 behind! 上半时补时阶段, 哈尔贾中路分球,马卡罗内右路低传,弗里克抢在梅克斯前面,在门前7米处右脚推射入网 ,罗马0比1落后!
- Wenn Sie die Leute nach den Motiven fragen, kommt immer wieder das durchaus legitime Interesse: Wir wollen die Region zu einer Wintertourismusregion aufbauen und sie mit den Spielen bekannt machen. 如果您询问申请国举办的动机,您总会听到一个也是很合理的要求:我们想把这个地区建成一个冬季旅游区,通过奥运我们想让这个地区出名。
- Keywords Cu/Al composite plate rolling thermal deformation solar haer; 铜铝复合材料;板形;膨胀变形;辊型;
- “Can.1743. 1. Iudici legitime interroganti partes respondere tenentur et fateri veritatem,nisi agatur de delicto ab ipsis commisso. 第1743条教规,1。当事人有义务回答合法为讯问的法官的讯问并说明真相,法官本人有违法行为的除外。
- haeredesn. 继承人
- sui haeredes [法] 第一顺序继承人
- haer the beatvi. 听到更好的人
- Haerén 黑伦
- Haer Historic American Engineering Record 历史性的美国工程记录
- legitim [法] 特留分, 遗留分