- He likes leisure and hates work. 他喜欢安逸, 讨厌工作。
- leisure and vocation 休闲度假
- It has given me leisure and calmness for serious recollection. 它给了我闲暇和平静以作严肃的反
- Reserve time for leisure and maintain social life for yourself. 给予自己私人的空间,保持社交生活。
- Build up the center of overwater leisure and recreation. 建立水上休闲娱乐中心。
- You travel, leisure and entertainment tool, and good partners. 是您旅游、休闲、娱乐的好工具,好伙伴。
- More leisure and less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition. 我们的闲暇多了,乐趣却少了;食品种类多了,营养却少了。
- Welcome to Jinghu Boutique Hotel to enjoy your leisure and romantic life. 入住德辉宾馆,尽享人生的闲情与浪漫。
- A very good puzzle mobile games, leisure and give MM are playing a good game! 一款非常不错的益智手机游戏,是休闲和给MM玩的一款好游戏!
- La cuesta inn is the perfect hotel for both leisure and business travelers. 圣路易奥比斯波 酒店:Welcome to a place of comfort and convenience.
- Terminology of Technical and Vocational Education. 技术与职业教育术语。
- They have so much leisure and so much leisurely joviality. 他们有那么多空闲的时间,又有那么多空闲的兴致。
- The sense of leisure and safety gave the last touch of lightness to her spirit. 悠闲自在,安全保险的感觉使她的心情舒畅极了。
- They are ideal for sports and leisure and always functional though stylish. 它们是从事运动与休闲的理想之选,既时髦又不乏实用。
- Bammel, G. &Burrus-Bammel,L.L.(1992)(2nd). Leisure and human behavior. 涂淑方译(1996)。休閒与人类行为。台北:桂冠图书公司。
- SEEK a suitable time for leisure and meditate often on the favors of God. 你该找个适宜的时候收敛你的心,并且时常想念天主的恩惠。
- The chipper laugher of Mr.Burger led us into a state of leisure and pleasure. 卜格先生爽朗的笑声使我们始终融入在这样一种轻松、愉悦的环境中。
- Because of its individuality,tacitness and vocation,knowledge of Chinese Medicine is mostly Polanyi s standard of tacit knowledge. 就知识的个人性、默会性和寄托而言,中医知识的大部分完全符合波兰尼关于隐性知识的标准。
- Leisurely and carefree listen the tea. 闲情听茶系列。
- Occupational guidance came into being because of demand of the development of social economy and vocation, and developed and consummated unceasingly. 职业指导随着社会经济及职业的发展应运而生,并随之不断发展与完善。