- leisure sports place 休闲体育场所
- As an important part of leisure life, leisure sport is not only the result of leisure education, but also the uplift of leisure education. 作为休闲生活重要部分的休闲体育不仅是休闲教育的结果,更是休闲教育的提升。
- Expressway guardrail, sports place purse seine, road greenbelt protect network. 高速公路护栏,体育场所围网,马路绿化带防护网。
- It has dual symbolic significance.As the free symbolization,leisure sports represent the agreeable and free multi-existing mode. 它有双重象征意义,作为自由象征的休闲体育表现的是惬意的、自由的、多元的存在方式,是人的感性生命需要,是人自愿、自觉的活动。
- The value of leisure sports is not only the social premiss of its being, but also a nuclear parts of leisure sports culture. 休闲体育价值不仅是休闲体育存在的社会前提,也是休闲体育文化的核心内容。
- Based on the characteristics of leisure sports the author analyses the meaningfulness and the management the mentioned leisure P.E. 在研究余暇体育的基础上论及高校余暇体育的特点,阐述了高校开展余暇体育的意义。
- Such as the conception of the leisure sport, the course of the leisure sport evolvement, the existent base of it and the shackle comes from the leisure sport in the nowadays. 然而,在现实生活中,人们对什么是休闲体育、它的演进过程、休闲体育存在的基础以及我国现阶段发展休闲体育存在的问题存在着模糊认识。
- Slowed down leisure sports will enable people to make im-provements both physiologically and psychologically, and to experience the joy of exercising and beyond exercis-ing. 慢下来的休闲体育将使人在生理和心理上都能得到改善,并从中体会到运动和运动之外的乐趣。
- Chuang,S.T.and C.L.Liou. (2003). “Residents' attitudes to rural tourism development: a comparative study inTaiwan rural APTA School of Leisure Sport & Tourism”, University of Technology Sydney. 陈载永、徐俊雄、陈合进、黄孟洵、叶志峰、刘建麟(2005)家具用环保材质之探讨,经济部工业局,创意家具设计辅导与推广计画成果发表暨创新材料应用研讨会,国立云林科技大学原形创意中心。
- Esthetically, leisure sport can enrich people's experience on appreciation ofbeauty so as to improve their aesthetic taste. Meanwhile, it also contributes to the beautification of both body and mind. 从美学角度看,休闲体育可以使人获得审美体验,提高人们的审美品位,同时休闲体育对人们身体美的塑造及精神美的创造也起着不可忽视的作用。
- Chuang,S.T.and C.L.Liou. (2003). “Residents' attitudes to rural tourism development: a comparative study inTaiwan rural APTA School of Leisure Sport &Tourism”, University of Technology Sydney. 陈载永、徐俊雄、陈合进、黄孟洵、叶志峰、刘建麟(2005)家具用环保材质之探讨,经济部工业局,创意家具设计辅导与推广计画成果发表暨创新材料应用研讨会,国立云林科技大学原形创意中心。
- Planning and Management in Leisure Sport Clubs 休闲运动社团规划与经营
- On the Rise of Leisure Sport Sociologically 闲暇体育兴起的社会学研究
- leisure sport nature environment 休闲体育自然环境
- leisure sport social environment 休闲体育社会环境
- Discussion on the Social Function of Leisure Sports 休闲体育的社会功能探析
- The Research of Townsman Leisure Sports 河北城市居民休闲体育活动的调查研究
- China Leisure Sports Administrative Center 周一表示,该公司已与中国社会体育指导中心
- Some Thought of the Rise of Leisure Sports 对休闲体育兴起的一点思考
- Study on the Upgrade of Leisure Sports 休闲体育兴起探析